Learning Objectives: 1. To be aware of how stress can be a risk to a person’s health 2. To know what health problems can be caused by stress
What can cause stress? Relationships Babies Exams Bills Work
Lets think of PIES. Physical Intellectual Emotional Social
Physical health: Weight loss/gain Headaches Constipation or diarrhoea With older people stress can cause heart attacks Skin problems
Intellectual health: Unable to think clearly Unable to make decisions Constant worrying Inability to concentrate Poor judgement Only seeing the negatives
Emotional Health: Upset Angry Confused Irritable Moodiness Feeling tense/anxious Lonely and isolated
Social Health: Lose friends/find it difficult to make friends Relationship problems Isolation Unable to take part in leisure activities. Argumentative Neglecting others
How do you think people might try to cope with stress? Positive ways Negative ways Exercise Leisure time Rest/relaxation methods Healthy balanced meals Smoking Alcohol Drugs (example sleeping pills) Illegal drugs