The title of the Poster (60 pt, Arial Bold, blue – RGB 0/79/145) Name Surname1, Name Surname2, Name Surname1,3 (48 pt, Arial Bold, black) 1Institution; 2Institution; 3Institution (48 pt, Arial Regular, black) Your institution logo Pre-set dimensions of the PowerPoint slide: 97 cm width, 102 cm height Crop the printed poster along the grey dotted lines. Dimensions of the final poster: 95 cm width, 100 cm height Note: The recommended height of the poster is 100 cm, but the poster may be higher (see instructions on the web page). Your content Distance between your content and the bottom edge of the list of institutions: 30 mm Right, left and bottom margin: 30 mm (Note: 30 mm = distance between your content and the edge of the final poster, 40 mm = distance between your content and the edge of the PowerPoint slide)