Welcome to INFORMS! New Member/First Time Attendee Welcome Rick Rosenthal, Vice President, Membership & Professional Recognition Anne G. Robinson, Chair Membership Committee Nov. 5, 2006
Overview Welcome to INFORMS! A brief History Who we are and what we do How you can optimize your membership How you can contribute to the future of INFORMS On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide.
What’s Next? A Brief History The Science of Better Campaign 1st Lanchester Prize 1954 Encyclopedia of OR/MS 1996 The Science of Better 2004 1st meeting of TIMS 1st issues of Mgmt Sci 1953-54 1st von Neuman Prize 1975 ORSA and TIMS merge January 1995 to form INFORMS 1st meeting of ORSA 1st issue of OR 1952 1st Edelman Prize 1972 1959 IFORS 2004 The Science of Better Campaign www.scienceofbetter.org What’s Next? 1975 First von Neumann Prize (ORSA) Awarded to George B. Dantzig 1995 ORSA and TIMS merge to form INFORMS Birth of INFORMS Online (out of Mike Trick’s O.R. Page) 1996 "Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science,” S. Gass, C. Harris 1959 International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) 1972 First Franz Edelman Award for Management Science Achievement presented to The Pillsbury Company 1954 First ORSA Frederick W. Lanchester Prize Awarded to L. C. Edie December 1953 First meeting of the Institute of Management Sciences (TIMS) October 1954 First issue of Management Science May 1952 First meeting of Operations Research Society of America (ORSA) November 1952 First issue of Operations Research 3 3 3
Have you ever tried to explain OR at a cocktail party? What is OR? Have you ever tried to explain OR at a cocktail party? “It’s mathematical decision making” “It’s the edge between engineering and business” “Quant – that MBA class that people complain about” “Grown up, real-world versions of ‘story problems’ you either loved or hated in junior high math class!” On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide.
The official answer designed by our Marketing-the-Profession campaign: What is OR? The official answer designed by our Marketing-the-Profession campaign: “OR is the discipline of applying advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions.” On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide.
What is INFORMS? INFORMS is the society that serves the scientific and professional needs of OR/MS scientists, investigators, students, educators, and professionals, as well as the institutions they serve. How? Publications Professional and Academic Conferences Thought Leadership Information and Idea Exchange On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide.
INFORMS Membership 10,360 members 67% Academic, 33% Industry & Government 75% Regular, 20% Students, 5% Retired 76% US, 10% Europe, 14% Other Current energy toward increasing practitioner membership Enthusiastic and optimistic about OR/MS On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide.
Making the Most out of Your Membership There are many membership benefits – find the ones that work for you: Journals Conferences Prizes, Awards and Scholarships Web resources Volunteering Employment Access to Thought Leaders On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide.
Find Your Journals Find a journal that interests you and will enhance your career INFORMS has 12 journals – all are in-print AND online You receive one FREE journal with your membership You can receive ALL journals online for one low price On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide.
List of Journals Decision Analysis Information Systems Research Interfaces INFORMS Journal of Computing INFORMS Transactions on Education Management Science Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Marketing Science Mathematics of Operations Research Operations Research Organization Science Transportation Science On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide.
Magazines OR/MS Today is INFORMS monthly membership magazine: Compelling Articles Issues in Education Software Surveys Meetings, Updates Job Openings OR/MS Tomorrow is the online Student Newsletter: ormstomorrow.informs.org On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide.
Many special interest conferences Affiliated international conferences Attend Conferences Fall National Meeting BIG (~3,000 attendees, 50 concurrent sessions!) Open to all speakers Spring PRACTICE Meeting Smaller (~600 attendees, 6 concurrent sessions) Practitioner Focused All invited speakers More upscale – bring your boss! Vancouver Spring 2007 Many special interest conferences Affiliated international conferences On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide.
Join Subdivisions Societies: Sections: Chapters: Student Chapters: Large Established Interest Groups Sections: Smaller Focused Interest Groups Chapters: On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide. Grouped by Geography Student Chapters: Grouped by one or more Universities FORA: Grouped by other characteristics – Junior Faculty, Women in OR, Minority Issues
INFORMS online www.informs.com Searchable bibliographic database Membership Directory PubsOnline Employment Opportunities Society News Practitioner Resources Bookstore Contacts for problems and ideas! On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide.
Societies, Sections and Chapters are a great place to start! Volunteering Many opportunities to volunteer with INFORMS: Committees Journal Refereeing and Editing Speakers Program Online content development On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide. Societies, Sections and Chapters are a great place to start!
Other Benefits Knowledge Enhancements Professional Awards Networking with Peers Discounts on Journals and Books Group Insurance Plan Visibility as part of a Respected Society Access to Instructional Material On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide.
More Information Check out the INFORMS Booth at the Conferences Call INFORMS (1-800-4INFORMS) with problems, issues and ideas! Go online www.informs.org www.scienceofbetter.org www.orchampions.org http://www.lionhrtpub.com/ORMS.shtml On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide.
“The INFORMS Board is pleased to welcome you. In Closing: “The INFORMS Board is pleased to welcome you. We wish you a long, happy and productive membership. May you make many new friends and feel proud to call yourself a member of the OR community!” On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide.
Contact Info: Professor Richard Rosenthal Operations Research Department Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 rosenthal@nps.edu Anne G. Robinson Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 annerobi@cisco.com On the content pages, the background will remain the same and the INFORMS logo will be placed in the lower right hand corner at the same size it was on the title page. A heading title in a dark red at a point size of 20pt will be placed inside of two horizontal black lines. Sub-headings if any, will be in a dark red and with a point size of 18pts. Bulleted points, graphs, graphics, or photos will be placed inside of these two horizontal lines. All content wording will be in the Franklin Gothic Medium at 12pts. The same gray color will be applied. Bulleted points will be placed in the center of slide.