The Human Story Where We Came From
Australopithecus 3.5 - 2.0 m.y.a. Oldest known fossil: Lucy
Earliest Homo species Homo habilis – “man with ability” = 2 - 1.5 m.y.a Homo erectus - “upright man”= 1.8 - 1.0 m.y.a.
Making / Using Olduvan Tools oldest known tools ever found
Homo erectus Man who stands Invented handaxe Probably the first hominids to use, perhaps even control, fire Fire allows cooking foods (makes meat and veggie consumption easier) Light Keeps predators away Warmth
Homo erectus Why are these hominids so important? ?? FIRST TO LEAVE AFRICA ??
Neanderthals: lived in Europe, southwest Asia, central Asia between 200,000 - 30,000 years ago Named for 1st found near the Neander River, in Germany
Neanderthals: Recent Views
Neanderthal culture
Neanderthal Culture: Subsistence Extremely successful hunters – traps and pitfalls Fairly efficient gatherers Berries, greens, roots - limited time frame (few weeks) First to bury their dead Good builders – framework houses and rock shelters
Neanderthal Culture Settlements Open sites, caves, rock-shelters Built structures / windbreaks Controlled use of fire: warmth
Burying the Dead 1st known to bury their dead Some grave offerings: stone tools, animal bones (flowers?)
Burying The Dead
Cro-Magnon 1st found in rock formations in France 40,000 – 10,000 years ago Invented the burin – like a chisel Wore jewelry: necklaces and rings Made flutes First razors Cave paintings
Art Cave paintings and “venus” figurines