Stop Action, Blurred Action, Panned Action, Depth of Field Motion & Blur Stop Action, Blurred Action, Panned Action, Depth of Field
Stop Action Uses fast shutter speed such as 1/1000 Freezes the motion
Blurred Action Uses a slow shutter speed such as 1/60 or lower with a tripod
Panned Action the panning technique is used to suggest fast motion, and bring out foreground from background. In photographic pictures it is usually noted by a foreground subject in action appearing still (i.e. a runner frozen in mid-stride) while the background is streaked and/or skewed in the apparently opposite direction of the subject's travel.
I. Harold Edgerton A. 1903 – 1990 B. legendary MIT scientist C. developed and popularized the stroboscope and electronic flash D. pioneered high- speed, stop-motion photography
"How to make applesauce at MIT"
II. Stephen Dalton Began to take photos of birds and insects in flight in the 1960’s B. Technically intricate photos C. Used flash units capable of exposures of 1/25,000 of a second!
Paul Caponingro Born in Boston in 1932 Paul Caponingro Born in Boston in 1932 Acclaimed for his spiritually moving images of Stonehenge and other Celtic megaliths of England and Ireland Find Images: View Image Gallery Photo Researchers offers stock photography and illustration from our Science Source collection of medical, scientific, and earth & space photography; our Nature Source collection of wildlife, landscape & marine photographs & illustrations and our lifestyle archives of people, culture, travel and historical images. We license rights protected stock photography in both digital and traditional film formats. All Contents Copyright © 2003 Photo Researchers, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1-212-758-3420, 1-800-833-9033. Home | Search | About Us | Ordering Images | About Representation | Order Catalogs | Galleries | Faq | Email Us
“County Wicklow” Ireland, 1967
III. Linda Connor A. She was born in 1944 and lives in Marin County, California B. Professor in the Photography Department of the San Francisco Art Institute
Petroglyph and Star Trails, Sonora, Mexico, 1991
JOHN CHUMACK The Earth's natural spin in 20 minutes at Observatory on Mount Bigelow, Tuscon, AZ
Gjon Mili known for his innovative use of lighting techniques Graduated from MIT and became a lighting engineer at Westinghouse The portrait of Picasso exploits long exposure photography to capture Picasso drawing with light
Small Depth of field Use a large aperture opening such as f/2 Focus on primary subject Good technique to eliminate a distracting background
Large Depth of field Use a small aperture opening such as f/22 Good for landscapes in which you want everything in focus