Political Imperatives 1. Scope of T 2.3 Role of Political Imperatives (PIs) within WP2 PIs shape directly (regulations) or indirectly (market rules) future policies Main goal snapshot of predominant forward looking PIs Political Imperatives Policies Future of Mobility
2. Objectives of and approach of T 2.3 The research question is as follows Which PIs, formulated by and to whom, are at the moment part of the worldwide political discourse or deemed as putatively relevant for the future development of the European transport sector?
2. Objectives of and approach of T 2.3 1. Identification PIs (Europe) 2. Identification PIs (outside Europe) 3. Comparison PIs 4. Identification of the most relevant PIs
2. Objectives and approach of T 2.3 Qualitative data analysis with Atlas.ti Text passages containing PIs can be coded ( categorization according to Mayring) Combination of deductive (previously defined category set) and inductive (category set produced during coding process) category Development of category system Source:
2. Objectives and approach of T 2.3 Results Summary of the results in tabular form Identification of the most frequent PIs Since literature is read in its entirety, PIs beyond the mainstream will also be recognizable, which may suggest alternative paths Comparative analysis which demands/claims to the political sphere are already part of the intentions formulated by the political sphere Column headers of the results table
3. Defining the term “Political Imperative” PIs as 1. Demand (we need …) PIs as 2. Intention (we will …)
4. Stakeholder Analysis and compilation of political imperatives in the transport sector Results 135 sources for political imperatives have been collected Around 7,920 pages of information Relative distribution of material delivering stakeholders by stakeholder group
4. Stakeholder Analysis and compilation of political imperatives in the transport sector Results Demands Frequency 13 - 45
4. Stakeholder Analysis and compilation of political imperatives in the transport sector Results Intentions Frequency 14 - 98
5. Identification of predominant/ game-changing political imperatives Demands General: focus on creation and implementation of clear and reliable frameworks and regulations especially in the EU Forward looking imperatives Standardized EU-wide framework for autonom. driving vehicles Digitization strategy for transport sector Vision for a competetive and sustainable European transport system and industry
5. Identification of predominant/ game-changing political imperatives Intentions Forward looking imperatives Increasing competetiveness and efficieny Implementation of intelligent transport systems Cost-effectiveness and sustainability of financing system Supporting ICT/ open data Development towards MaaS
6. Summary and outlook 135 different sources by stakeholders with relation to the European and global transport sector Software supported qualitative content analysis of around 8000 pages 286 political imperatives 137 demands/ claims and 149 intentions Most important imperatives: Reducing GHG emissions by supporting modal shift, substituting the source of energy or using existing infrastructure more efficiently Traffic safety (mainly focusing road transport) Creation/ implementation of clear and reliable frameworks and regulations
6. Summary and outlook Digitization strategy for the transport sector Forward looking imperatives were mainly touching urban transport and data issues (mainly from European stakeholders) Topics like intelligent transport systems, MaaS and green logistics are already part of some strategy papers and policies Demands that might become more relevant in the future: Digitization strategy for the transport sector Strategy to apply and enforce high working standards Safeguard a sufficient amount of workforce in the transport sector
6. Summary and outlook Other relevant topics: R&D in sharing services, autonomous vehicles planning strategies and ways to regulate are necessary! Reform of research environment by taking a holistic view on mobility and orient research on societal needs Interesting demand: Develop ways to reduce traffic demand and find ways to escape the growth-spiral.
Thank you! Technische Universität Berlin Contact information Prof. Dr. Massimo Moraglio Norman Döge Johanna Ostendorf Researcher and Project Leader Researcher Student Assistant Technische Universität Berlin