Background + Map/Route Explorer Journals Background + Map/Route
Explorer Journal Assignment You will choose one of the following explorers for a journal assignment, which will be completed over several class periods For the assignment you will receive information about your specific explorer and artifacts that help you better understand your explorer and their experiences during the Age of Exploration You will write several short journal entries in the first person, from your explorer’s point of view The amount of ‘work’ you do is the same, no matter who your explorer is! There is no “easiest” explorer.
Explorer Choices Christopher Columbus- one of the first Europeans to make contact with indigenous people in the ”New World,” sailed to Cuba and the Caribbean, as well as South America Ferdinand Magellan- first person to circumnavigate- or sail around- the world. His own crew eventually turned against him and he died at sea after exploring the Spice Islands, Pacific Ocean and Africa Vasco da Gama- first to establish sea trade routes from Europe to India, became an ambassador of trade and very wealthy Sir Francis Drake- a pirate who worked closely with Queen Elizabeth I of England to terrorize Spanish galleon ships and stole their wealth on voyages back from the “New World”
Background + Map/Route Background Entry/ Entry #1 : 6-8 sentences Provide an overview of your explorer’s life- Where were they from? What was their previous sailing experience? Who is funding their voyage? How many ships do they have? Etc. Remember to write from the 1st person point of view- you are the explorer! Map/Route Entry/ Entry #2: 6-8 sentences Provide an overview of your explorer’s route- What continents did they travel around, or pass by? What oceans did they cross? Seas? Use geographic terms, such as east/west/north/south. Make sure to meet all requirements. Use the group handout to draw their route on your mini-map and glue it in your journal
Why did Europeans want to explore? God: to convert natives to Christianity, and spread the Christian religion Glory: fame, and/or being the first to “discover” something (a person, or a country) Gold: to get rich! $$$
What motivates you to greatness? You are determined to succeed… what will motivate you to embark on, and follow through on this difficult task? *your religion, or personal beliefs? *the fame/glory you will receive afterwards? *money/financial benefit? Choose one, and explain why…
Motivations- only one fact for this entry Motivations Entry/ Entry #3: 6-8 sentences According to your explorer’s quote, what was his motivation for exploration? For this entry, be sure to re-write the quote, and include this as part of your entry- use quotation marks! Be sure to write from the first person point of view! *For this entry, your explorer’s quote IS the artifact- your facts/observations/questions should be centered around this quote. Keep in mind your only fact you can get from this quote is identifying the motivation itself (God, Glory, or Gold?)- Use this as one of your facts, then talk about why this motivated your explorer to go on their journey. What would be the result of converting natives to Christianity? Of finding gold? Of discovering something new?
Discoveries Discoveries Entry/ Entry #4: 6-8 sentences Travel to your Explorer’s Station- take short notes in your journal and descriptions about the items you find there Talk to other explorers about what they have found in their travels Write Entry #3- Discoveries entry Provide a detailed description of the items your explorer has found in their travels- what do the items look like, taste like, feel like? What might they be used for? Remember to write from the first person point of view!
What motivated our explorers to explore? Columbus: “…should I meet with gold or spices in great quantity, I shall remain till I collect as much as possible, and for this purpose I am proceeding solely in quest of them.” What is Columbus’ motivation?- add to your notes Magellan: “The church says the earth is flat; but I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more confidence even in a shadow than in the church.”
What motivated our explorers to explore? Da Gama: “They [the Indians] asked what we sought so far away from home, and he told them that we came in search of Christians and of spices.” What is Columbus’ motivation?- add to your notes Sir Francis Drake: “There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory.”
WRITE DOWN YOUR QUOTE AS THE FIRST SENTENCE OF YOUR JOURNAL ENTRY!!! Columbus: “…should I meet with gold or spices in great quantity, I shall remain till I collect as much as possible, and for this purpose I am proceeding solely in quest of them.” Magellan: “The church says the earth is flat; but I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more confidence even in a shadow than in the church.” Da Gama: “They [the Indians] asked what we sought so far away from home, and he told them that we came in search of Christians and of spices.” Sir Francis Drake: “There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory.”