by amores by josh
Bell Ringer Get Astronomy Unit 1 Study Guide Place agenda in the top corner of your desk. Begin answering the study guide with the information you know in PENCIL.
1. When the question pops up you will only have a short amount of time to write. 2. If you miss it… too bad.
1 Draw and label geocentric and heliocentric model Earth Sun Geocentric Heliocentric
2 __ proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system. Nicholas Copernicus
3 Explain geocentric model. The planets, the Sun, and the moon were fixed in separate spheres that rotated around the Earth.
4 Explain the Big Bang Theory. About 13.7 billion years ago, the universe began with a huge explosion and continues to expand.
5 Identify if the statements are true or false. True False Solar System = 4.6 billion Big Bang = 13.7 billion False – The steady state theory is also an accepted theory.
6 Identify objects that are part of the solar system. Sun Dwarf planets Planets Moons Meteors Comets Asteroids
7 Describe evidence that the Universe is expanding. Galaxies beyond the local group show a red shift when they move away. If they are moving away the universe must be expanding.
8 Describe the location of our sun in the universe. The sun is 26,000 light-years from the Milky Way Galaxy center in one of the spiral arms. The MWG is located in a unpopulated corner of the universe
9 Describe the location of our Sun in our Milky Way Galaxy. The sun is about 26,000 light years from the galaxy’s center in one of the spiral arms (Orion).
10 Define a galaxy. A large group of stars, gas, planets and dust held together by gravity.
Because we are located inside of the Milky Way Galaxy. 11 Why can the shape of the Milky Way Galaxy not be seen from Earth? Because we are located inside of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Earth’s (or planets) yearly path around the sun 12 Define revolution. Earth’s (or planets) yearly path around the sun
13 Inner (Terrestrial) planets and description Mercury Rocky planets with an iron core. Venus Earth Mars
14 Outer (Jovian) planets and description Gas giant, large planets, Hydrogen, Jupiter Saturn Uranus Helium, Methane, Ammonia Neptune
15 Similarities of our planets Elliptical orbit around the Sun Many have an atmosphere, except for Mercury. Extreme Temperatures
16 Why do objects appear to move across the sky? Because the Earth is in motion (rotation)
17 How are Venus and Earth different? Different Atmospheres Earth has a moon. Venus has thick clouds that sun cannot reach the surface. Earth has liquid water and can support life.
18 What conclusion can you draw about a planet’s distance from the sun and its orbital speed? The planets closer to the sun travel faster than planets farther away from the sun. Outer planets take much longer to orbit the sun than inner planets.
The greater the distance the less the gravitational pull. 19 How does distance affect the sun’s gravity on planets and other objects in the solar system? The greater the distance the less the gravitational pull.
20 Identify comet, asteroid or meteor. Comets Asteroids Meteor Asteroid Comet
Letter Planet Characteristics 22 A Mercury No atmosphere No moon Inner most planet All water is now frozen Smallest planet in SS Earth-like characteristics 23 B Venus Brightest object in the sky after Sun and Moon. Spins clockwise Hottest planet Smaller in size to the Earth 95% radius of Earth A day longer than a year 24 C Earth One moon More than 70% covered in water Only planet to have life 25 D Mars Appears red because of rusted soil. Thinner atmosphere than Earth Earth like characteristics Once had active volcanoes Has canyons, craters, mountains and volcanoes
Letter Planet Characteristics 26 E Jupiter Largest Planet Has at least 63 moons Gaseous planet a large storm, Great Dark Spot Faint rings of dust Fastest rotating planet Larger than Earth Day is 10 hours long 27 F Saturn Second largest planet 1 year 29 ½ Earth years Lest dense planet Most impressive ring system 28 G Uranus Methane gas Tipped on side Spins clockwise 29 H Neptune Has large storm system Atmosphere of hydrogen helium and methane Coldest planet Faint ring system 3rd largest planet
The End