PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction 2. Problem Statement 3. Objectives of the Reviewed RTS 4. Proposed amendments 5. An Overview of Reviewed RTS implementation framework 6. Consultations & stakeholders 7. Wayforward 8. Expected implementation outcomes
Introduction The Department of Transport (DoT ) has undertaken a review exercise to update the Rural Transport Strategy of 2007 and the Action Plan (RTS). The decision was based on the outcome of the impact assessment conducted in 2013. Consider new policies National Development Plan on a differentiated approach, other legislative instruments i.e Spatial Land Use Management Act (SPLUMA) Incorporate new developments and address gaps within the Transport : NLTA , Draft White Paper on Transport Policy, National Learner Transport Policy Determine suitable interventions and operational models to enhance access and mobility, through IPTN, address missing links in RTI and RTS and intensify the role of NMT
Revised implementation model/proposed amendments CONFIDENTIAL Revised implementation model/proposed amendments Historical Approach Modern Approach National Development Spatial Perspective and ISRDP Criteria: poverty stricken nodes and population =with a Uniform and standardised approach of delivery Model of Integrated Rural Mobility and Access (IRMA) piloted in 6 District Municipality Brokering of logistics services is highly dependent on Private Sector Participation More generic = single implementation approach NDP, Spatial development Initiatives, CRDP, IDPs Criteria: A differentiated approach for various types of rural settlements= a suitable Mix i ) high potential for development and investment ii) Intermediate type of development iii) Basic development Model: Network development and providing for missing links in transport More emphasis = varied investment approach
Problem Statement Inadequate provision of Rural Transport Infrastructure and services which limits socio-economic development. Imbalance spatial planning methods which exacerbates the gap between the first and second economy
Deep rural second- economy environments CONFIDENTIAL ..and addressing the high concentrations of poverty & associated social needs in the deep rural second-economy environments Deep rural second- economy environments Addressing the Access Divide … AND Core Challenge for Rural Dev. HSRC’s social need index Population/ health facilities Road length/ km2 Population density Electricity and water provision Dependency ratio Pupil/ teacher ratio Unemployment Poverty gap Etc. High Med-high Medium Med-low Low
Objectives of the Reviewed RTS CONFIDENTIAL Objectives of the Reviewed RTS Promote quality public transport services within the District Municipalities Ensure better connectivity & interface of second and first economy environments Promote nodal linkages and demand responsive transport services Guide corridor development through sustainable rural investment plan Deep Rural Rural Peri-urban/ semi-rural Urban
OVERVIEW OF THE RURAL TRANSPORT IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK OVERVIEW OF THE RURAL TRANSPORT IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK A1. Alignment of rural transport interventions with government priorities A2. Linkage with LED, poverty alleviation and social service delivery programmes B High-Leverage Focus Projects and Promotion of IPTN Plans Provision of Rural Transport Infrastructure (RTI) B1. Development of access and feeder roads associated with key nodes and linkages in rural typologies where ITP & IPTN plans are appropriate B2. Provision of sustainable road maintenance and off- road spot improvement programmes Provision of Rural Transport Services (RTS) B3 Coordinate passenger and freight transport services B4. Development and implementation of appropriate rural public transport options of IPTN plans and Learner transport B5 Alignment and linkages with existing non-motorised transport infrastructure and standards B6. Development of infrastructure for non- motorised transport particularly in terms of ITPs and IPTN plans B7. Promotion of Non- motorised transport (Bicycle, Animal- drawn cart and other Intermediate Means of Transport) services A. Alignment with the NDP, CRDP and IDP framework Provision of Non-Motorised Transport (NMT) and Intermediate Means Transport (IMT)
D. Capacity building and Monitoring C. Regulations and Safety C1.Implementation of Land Transport Regulations C2. Compliance with road traffic safety regulations on passenger and freight services D. Capacity building and Monitoring D1.Development and dissemination of land transport regulations, guidelines and Public Transport Plans D2. Promotion of labour-intensive methods i.e. EPWP D3.Facilitation of community participation and mainstreaming women and youth in all aspects of rural transport provision D4. Development of a rural transport asset management system D5. Development of monitoring and evaluation systems D6. Guidelines for the implementation of Rural Transport Strategy and District Municipalities’ IPTN plans. D7 Establishment of Roads and Transport structure to plan and implement roads transport infrastructure and services E. Funding E1 Financing Rural Transport Infrastructure PRMG, MIG, Rates and Taxes E2 Financing Rural Transport Services PTOG, P TNG, Provincial and Municipal Equitable share and Learner Transport services
STAKEHOLDERS & CONSULTATIONS FOSAD and Cabinet committees[ social and economic clusters] Committee of Transport Officials (COTO) and MINMEC National Departments: Rural Development and Land Reform, Agriculture, Health, Education, Human Settlements, Trade & Industry, Social Development, COGTA, Public Works, Arts and Culture, Home Affairs, Tourism. Provincial Departments of Transport South African Local Government Association (SALGA)
Wayforward Process to implement the strategy: Setting up as implementation team [management structure] Development of ToR and reporting templates [ set of KPI] = EXCO, COTO & Minmec Strengthen technical support for provincial & District municipalities projects Lobby and Facilitate funding for the implementation Develop a programme monitoring tool
Wayforward Build partnerships with research institutions and promote new technologies [universities, business, communities] Widen our stakeholders and have regular dialogues Allow the youth, women and small business to shape the implementation through innovation Initiate platforms for information sharing =encourage participation
Expected Implementation Outcomes CONFIDENTIAL Expected Implementation Outcomes
Thank you for listening The End Thank you for listening Contact: Ms Angeline Nchabeleng 012 309 3231