Community-Based Forestry in the United States a report from the U.S. Endowment for Forestry & Communities
Community-Based Forestry in the United States Survey Typology Database
Survey Captures & categorizes range of practices and geography of CBF 200+ responses from 25 states
Survey: Findings Broad range & diversity of CBF projects and organizations CBF practices vary greatly across regions—response to local and regional issues
Survey: Gaps Native & Tribal CBFs Communities of color Low-income communities in Southeast & Appalachia
Typology Classifies different approaches to CBF Framework for CBF database Helps match CBF projects with technical & financial support
Typology: Categories Place-based initiatives Support organizations Networks Community-owned forests
Typology: Classification System Rural community context Land ownership Capacity/organizational development CBF methods/strategy Benefit distribution
Database Initiatives Support organizations Networks
Database Based on results of survey Organized around typology
Database: Components Searchable database Maps
Database On-line Free Part of Trust for Public Land’s on-line Conservation Almanac