Cultural Conflicts Notes
Prohibition 18th Amendment Later repealed by 21st Amendment Attempt to solve violence, missing work, prostitution, gambling, etc.
Crime Speakeasies Bootlegging Supplying of illegal alcohol Illegal bars
Organized Crime Bootleggers+ worked together and created gangs Ex: Al Capone (Chicago) Politicians, police, judges were often controlled by gangsters
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
Evolution & the Scopes Trial
Revival of the KKK
Marcus Garvey & Garvey Movement Wanted racial pride and economic independence for African Americans Return to Africa
1920s Political Effects Notes
Lenin & Communism Communism Russia wanted to spread belief Gov’t owns all land and property No more classes; everyone equal Russia wanted to spread belief Red Scare intense fear of communism Distrust of immigrants
Palmer Raids A. Mitchell Palmer spearheaded Thousands arrested as suspected radicals (mostly immigrants) 1920Stopped elected Socialists from taking office
Sacco and Vanzetti Two gunmen kill guard and paymaster at shoe factory (1920) Two Italians arrested for it Because of radical beliefs Found guilty and later killed (1927)
Republican Leadership
Republican Leadership Red Scare helps Republicans gain control Presidents Congress Supreme Court (Taft)
President Harding Foreign Policy Return to “normalcy” Isolationism Raised tariffs; discouraged competition with American goods Return to “normalcy”
National Origins Act of 1924 Puts quota on immigrants coming in; some countries lower than others
Teapot Dome Scandal (1921) Corruption in Harding’s admin. Secretary of Interior gives oil drilling rights to oil co. and gets gifts disguised as loans
President Coolidge Harding dies Laissez-Faire approach Hands off with business Contributes to stock market collapse
Consumer Culture Video
Henry Ford 1903—began his own car company 1908—sold Model T Dream: produce more cars and sell at a price ordinary people could afford Improved the assembly line Turned out a car every 24 seconds!
Assembly Line Race Team 1: Each person does their own job DO NOT DO ANY OTHER PERSON’S JOB Team 2: Each pair of people constructs the airplane Builder & Logo Designer
Assembly Line Race Discussion What did you notice? If you were a businessman, which style of production would you prefer and why? How did this ultimately affect production in the United States? (even today)
1920s Review Come up with 2 questions for the following: Mass Media People Women & African Americans (style, art, change in roles) Cultural Conflicts Politics Consumer Culture