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Monday 1/27 Large Mammal ID Quiz Case Study: MinC review? Case Study: MinC Q 11 Practicing heritability and H-W
1 Procyon lotor raccoon
2 Lontra canadensis north american river otter
3 Ursus americanus black bear
4 Puma concolor cougar
5 Canis latrans coyote
6 Taxidea taxus american badger
7 Odocoileus virginianus white-tailed deer
8 Cervus canadensis elk
9 Lynx rufus bobcat
10 Vulpes vulpes red fox
MinC - 7 Natural selection will reduce the frequency of a deleterious allele when it is common, BUT When it becomes rarer, it is more likely to be “hidden” by more common alleles An inbred offspring has an increased likelihood of being homozygous for all genes, including deleterious alleles
MinC – 9 As heterozygosity decreases, the likelihood for cyrptorchidism increases and for atrial septal faults decreases.
MinC - 11 In pairs(ish) Answer a and b Be aware that the year intervals do not align perfectly between the tables – pay attention! C. If the Texas panthers were not available for breeding, would it be better conservation to interbreed the Florida panthers, or not to breed them at all?
MinC - 12 Answer a-d for 10 SP ALL of MinC due this Friday
Hardy-Weinberg Practice 1 If a given allele (A1) exists in a 60% frequency in a population, what is the probability of any offspring inheriting it?
Hardy-Weinberg Practice 2 A gene that leads to a brain disease has two alleles: A and a. In a population, 16 people have genotype AA, 92 have genotype Aa, and 12 have aa. What is the frequency of each allele?
Hardy-Weinberg Practice 3 In a population, the proportions of genotypes are AA = 0.64, Aa = 0.32, and aa = 0.04. Calculate the frequency of the recessive allele.
Hardy-Weinberg Practice 4 The ability to taste PTC is due to a single dominant allele "T". You sampled 215 individuals, and determined that 150 could detect the bitter taste of PTC and 65 could not. Calculate one set of potential frequencies.