TRAINING WORKSHOP FOR UPDATING INVENTORY OF INITIAL AND NEW POPs Status on the management of Unintentional POPs (UPOPs) [Dioxin/Furans, HCBD, PCBs, PeCB] in Thailand TRAINING WORKSHOP FOR UPDATING INVENTORY OF INITIAL AND NEW POPs May 8th- 9th 2018, Pollution Control Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
UPOPs in Stockholm Convention Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) Polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Pentachlorobenzene (PeCB) Polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCN) Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) What do UPOPs come from? By-product in the manufacture of chlorinated solvents By-products of Thermal processes in the presence of all forms of chlorine
Dioxin (polycholorinated dibenzo-para-dioxin: PCDDs) Furans (polychlorinated dibenzo furans: PCDFs)
Annual Releases (g I-TEQ/a) Dioxin Preliminary Inventory (2005) -- PCDDs/PCDFs Releases from Different Source Categories* Sector Source Categories Annual Releases (g I-TEQ/a) Air Water Land Product Residue 1 Waste Incineration (3rd) 42.37 0.00 32.45 2 Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metal Production (2nd) 20.04 99.66 3 Power Generation and Heating (4th) 33.33 14.28 4 Production of Mineral Products 11.14 0.17 5 Transportation 11.69 6 Uncontrolled Combustion Processes (1st) 144.24 6.64 236.10 7 Production of Chemicals and Consumer Goods 1.52 1.33 8.31 384.16 8 Miscellaneous (Crematoria) (5th) 21.81 6.48 9 Disposal/Landfill 10 Identification of Potential Hot-Spots - - 1-9 Total 286.30 773.30 * Dioxin Priliminary Inventory , Pollution Control Department (2005)
Significant Point Sources of Dioxins* Hospital waste incinerators 10.7 – 45.0 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 (11% O2) Crematoria 10.5 – 28.6 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 (11% O2) Municipal waste incinerators 0.65 – 3.10 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 (11% O2) Steel plants stack emissions 0.32 – 0.61 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 (19% O2) *Ref: Thailand Dioxin Sampling and Analysis Program (2001)
Regulation of PCDDs/PCDFs Emissions Emission STD: Municipal Waste Incinerators : not exceed 0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 for all old incinerators and new incinerators of 1-50 ton/day not exceed 0.1 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 for new incinerators with capacity of > 50 ton/day. Infectious Waste Incinerators : not exceed 0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 3. the Factory that use processed used-oil and synthetic fuel as fuel in industrial furnaces Cement kilns that use waste co-processing
The 1st NIP – Action plan to reduce releases from PCDDs/PCDFs Goal 1 : reduce the total releases derived from anthropogenic sources with the goal of their continuing minimization, and, where feasible, ultimate elimination by 2012. Goal 2 : Establish a regional laboratory for PCDDs/PCDFs analysis by 2010 Goal 3 : PCDDs/PCDFs releases database is available by 2012 Goal 4 : Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) mechanism is developed and used in Thailand by 2012 Goal 5 : Thai people are aware of hazard and impact of PCDDs/PCDFs by 2009 Goal 6 : BAT/BEP is applied by Thai industries by 2012 Goal 7 : Law and regulations prescribing PCDDs/PCDFs emission standards are set up for all sources categories by 2012
The 1st NIP – Implementation of Action plan to reduce releases from PCDDs/PCDFs (1) Goal 1 : Reduce the total releases derived from anthropogenic sources with the goal of their continuing minimization, and, where feasible, ultimate elimination by 2012. See Goal 6 Goal 2 : Establish a regional laboratory for PCDDs/PCDFs analysis by 2010 Establishment of laboratories for PCDDs/PCDFs analysis (e.g., DEQP and DMSc) Capacity building on PCDDs/PCDFs sampling and analysis (e.g., Japan QSP, NEDO, ROK, UNIDO/GEF). Implementation of the POPs Monitoring Plan in the Asian Region : GMP2-Asia (2018- 2020)
The 1st NIP – Implementation of Action plan to reduce releases from PCDDs/PCDFs (2) Goal 3 : PCDDs/PCDFs releases database is available by 2012 Measurement of PCDDs/PCDFs Releases from Small-scale Hospital Waste Incinerators (2007) A pilot project on the establishment of a hospital waste management center/cluster (2008-2009) Undertaking the National Inventory of Crematoria and Feasibility Study on the Establishment of Cremation Center in Thailand, in collaboration with the World Bank (2009). Monitoring of PCDDs/PCDFs releases from Power Plants/industrial boilers, Steel plants and Crematoria sectors to investigate PCDDs/PCDFs level.(**********)
The 1st NIP – Implementation of Action plan to reduce releases from PCDDs/PCDFs (3) Goal 4 : PRTR is developed and used in Thailand by 2012 The Development of Basic Schemes for PRTR System in the Kingdom of Thailand : JICA PRTR (2011 - 2015) Conducting PRTR System continuously Goal 5 : Thai people are aware of hazard and impact of PCDDs/PCDFs by 2009 Providing awareness campaign about PCDDs/PCDFs and BAT/BEP guidelines continuously
The 1st NIP – Implementation of Action plan to reduce releases from PCDDs/PCDFs (4) Goal 6 : BAT/BEP is applied by Thai industries by 2012 Participation in the Regional BAT/BEP Forum for ESEA Countries (2007-Present). Regional Plan for Introduction of BAT/BEP Strategies to Industrial Clusters of Annex C of Articles 5 sectors in East and South East Asia Region Translation of the BAT/BEP Guidelines for Power Plants/Industrial boilers,Metallurgical industries and Crematoria sectors into Thai language. Providing awareness campaign about PCDDs/PCDFs and BAT/BEP guidelines to Power Plants/Industrial boilers, Metallurgical industries manufacturer Demonstration of BAT and BEP in fossil fuel-fired utility and industrial boilers in response to the Stockholm Convention on POPs(2011-2017) Greening the Scrap Metal Value Chain through Promotion of BAT/BEP to Reduce U-POPs Releases from Recycling Facilities (2018-in present)
The 1st NIP – Implementation of Action plan to reduce releases from PCDDs/PCDFs (5) Goal 7 : Law and regulations prescribing PCDDs/PCDFs emission standards are set up for all sources categories by 2012 Establishment of PCDDs/PCDFs Emission Standard for 4 sources; Municipal Waste Incinerators Infectious Waste Incinerators the Factory that use processed used-oil and synthetic fuel as fuel in industrial furnaces Cement kilns that use waste co-processing
Awareness raising campaigns on dioxins/furans to the general public
Samples of UPOPs Publications
Barriers to the Implementation for reduction of PCDDs/PCDFs releases Limitation of knowledge and understanding regarding BAT/BEP application. PCDDs/PCDFs Emission Standard have not covered yet the potential sources. Lack of adequate technical and financial resources.
PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyl ) Hexachlorobenzene (HCBD) Pentachlorobenzene (PeCB) Pentachloro-benzene (PCNs)
PCBs HCBD PeCB and PCNs It can be formed by burning chlorine-based chemical compounds with hydrocarbons. It comes from incinerators burning chlorinated wastes (ie. Plastics), metal processing and chlorination processes used. Thailand has not yet monitored PCBs HCBD PeCB and PCNs in emission and need to be developed Laboratories. The inventories have not been developed yet .
Thank you for your attention. Stockholm Convention Focal Point, Thailand Hazardous Substance Division, Waste & Hazardous Substance Management Bureau, Pollution Control Department Tel +662 298 2425, 2430 Fax +662 298 5393 Email: