Energy STAR ad hoc Closing Report - January 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0175r0 January 2010 Energy STAR ad hoc Closing Report - January 2010 Date: 2010-1-17 Authors: Name Company Address Phone email 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA, 95054 +1 (321) 427-4098 Bruce Kraemer Marvell bkraemer@ marvell .com Abstract: Energy STAR closing report to WG11 – January 2010 Meeting document: 11-10-0092r0 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
Questions to the Group What is EPA trying to do? January 2010 Questions to the Group What is EPA trying to do? Develop an energy efficiency test and rating system for Small Network Equipment. This includes devices such as 802.11 APs Is the EPA draft test procedure written correctly? Should 802.11 recommend changes to the test? Are there any identifiable additions or changes that should be considered to make 802.11 achieve better Energy STAR scores? Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Information sources EPA Energy STAR January 2010 Information sources EPA Energy STAR Interested parties who would like to participate in this process are encouraged to send their contact information to to be added to the mailing list. Framework Document: Test Spec: Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Test Configuration 1. Wireless network conditions: i. Random SSID; January 2010 Test Configuration 5.3. Wireless UUT Configuration 1. Wireless network conditions: i. Random SSID; ii. 128-bit WPA2 encrypted network; iii. 5 GHz band for IEEE 802.11n networks; iv. 2.4 GHz band for IEEE 802.11g networks; v. An appropriate channel for the network (support OFDM over DSSS over FHSS if 158 configurable); and vi. Interference robustness or other interference mitigation technology turned on. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Conclusions No need to amend 802.11 to comply January 2010 Conclusions No need to amend 802.11 to comply No further consideration is required in WG11 Until there is a significant change issued by EPA or membership raises the topic there will be no organized output document provided to EPA and topic it will be not appear on future WG11 meeting agendas. Individuals who wish to supply comments to EPA are encouraged to do so. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell