Tests Front-end card Status Test Front-end board Test board architecture. Test bench. Firmware architecture DAQ Idea Status of the firmware Block Test Firmware blocks LHCb upgrade meeting
Tests board architecture Schedule for SPECS development Board size : 305 mm x 155 mm 10 layers IN / OUT (NIM) USB Delay Chip SPEC Mezzanine A3PE1500 REGULATORS AX500 Analog Mezzanine 120mm x 120mm "LAL Support" for AX 500 LHCb upgrade meeting October 5th 2010
Test bench LHCb upgrade meeting October 5th 2010
Firmware architecture (in A3PE1500) CROC prototype tests : schedule Schedule for SPECS development All Blocks inside A3PE1500 in Verilog language USB / I2C module I2C1 Delay chip LAL (x3) USB / I2C module I2C2 Delay chip CERN (x3) USB / I2C module I2C3 AX500 FPGA USB / I2C module I2C4 Analog mezzanine USB Interface Step 1 : used the board with power supply and clock Ctrl Status Register Tests register 16/32 bits Rd/Wr Reset Register Step 2 : Add trigger and Delay Chip Ctrl Ctrl Register Step 3 : Add data processing and DAQ In Ext Clk Global Clk (Diff 40 Mhz) Clock Ctrl USB Clk (10 Mhz) Q : 40 Mhz SPECS Clk Out Ext Clk Trigger System Data FIFO/RAM Clock Divider ADC Data Test value injection ADC Data processing Re-synchronize ADC Input Dynamique pedestral subtraction Version : 02/01/2019 17:11 LHCb upgrade meeting October 5th 2010
DAQ Idea … Inside A3PE1500 For DAQ DAQ sequence 60 blocks of 4608 Bit 12 x 3 Blocks RAM to ADC data FIFO 2 Blocks RAM to enable ADC data Ctrl_Register (16b) 1 Start acquisition (ADC running) DAQ sequence Load RAM sequence USB Interface write the start_acquisition bit in the Ctrl_Register ADC running ADC data are writing in FIFO When the FIFO is full we write FIFO_full bit in the Status_register The PC scrutinize the status register and when the FIFO_full bit is high the USB read the FIFO When the FIFO is empty we can start new acquisition USB Interface FIFO (18 x 768) To One ADC Channel 12 ADC Data input FIFO Empty 3 x RAMBlock of 18 x 256 FIFO Full PC 1 Status_Register (16b) Enable ADC RAM / FIFO Block for all channels 8 O_Enable ADC Channels or NIM connector (8 x 768) A3PE Firmware LHCb upgrade meeting October 5th 2010
Tests Status Download A3PE1500 with FlashPro 4 (Problem solved) Rd / Wr register by USB inside A3P Used “test_245” by Chafik Tests with 16 and 32 bits Rd/Wr register inside A3PE1500 Rd / Wr Status, Ctrl, Reset register and clock ctrl implementation Two board available (one tested) (One for Carlos TestBench) ok ok to do ok October 5th 2010
Status of the firmware blocks All Blocks inside A3PE1500 in Verilog language Clock divider and trigger generator module for Lemo outputs (to adapt from the CROC by Olivier) I2C Module (to adapt from Jihane’s code by Olivier) Processing ADC data (in progress by Christophe) Data storage (to do by Jimmy) Test value injection RAM (to do by Jimmy) Step 2 Step 2 Step 3 Step 3 Step 3 LHCb upgrade meeting October 5th 2010
SPARE LHCb upgrade meeting
SPARE LHCb upgrade meeting
SPARE LHCb upgrade meeting
SPARE LHCb upgrade meeting
Tests board power supply CROC prototype tests : schedule Schedule for SPECS development P7V Regulator - 4913 AVCC_1 for Analog Mezza (+3 to +5V) Regulator - 4913 AVCC_2 for Analog Mezza (+3 to +5V) Regulator - 4913 DVDD for Analog Mezza (+2V5 to +3V3) Regulator - 4913 VCC for board (+5V) Regulator - 4913 P3V3 for board (+3,3v) (VccIO bank fixe) Regulator - 4913 P1V5 for FPGA core Regulator - 4913 1,5v < VccIOB_Var < +2,5v) (VccIO bank variable) Regulator - 4913 P2V5 for bank (+2,5v) (VccIO bank LVDS) M7V Regulator - 7913 AVEE for Analog Mezza (-3 to -5V) Regulator - 7913 VEE for board (-5V) {NIM translators} Lab. Power Supply input (+/- 7V) 10 Radiation tolerance regulators ! ! LHCb upgrade meeting
CROC prototype tests : schedule Schedule for SPECS development Tests board Clock Tree CROC prototype tests : schedule Schedule for SPECS development Each FPGA receive 2 adjustable Clock (LVDS) Analog mezzanine receive also 2 adjustable Clock (LVDS) Each ADC_Channel receive 1 Clock (LVDS) LHCb upgrade meeting
A3PE firmware blocks : USB interface module USB Interface standard module I2C modules (x4) FT245 side User side USB / I2C module Sda Delay chip LAL Scl SubAdd[6..0] (x3) USB_Data[7..0] USB Interface Standard module UserData[7..0] RXF USB / I2C module Sda Delay chip CERN N_Write Scl RD (x3) N_Read TXE N_Sync USB / I2C module Sda AX500 WR Scl Interrupt Clk USB / I2C module Sda N_Reset Analog mezzanine Scl LHCb upgrade meeting
A3PE firmware blocks : Clock divider and trigger generator 50 ns to 0.4s (24 bits counter) Internal Trigger With this module we can produce trigger (external trigger or software command) Tdelay (8bits) TL0 (16 bits) Registers loaded by USB or SPECS : Registers loaded by USB or SPECS : Ndump (8bits) Nspy (8 bits) LHCb upgrade meeting
A3PE firmware blocks : data processing Processing ADC data Re-synchronize ADC input Dynamique pedestal subtraction Suppression of low frequency noise Trigger processing Convert ADC data to 8 bit Sent towards the TRIG-PGA AX500? RAM block 8 x 16 x 256 LHCb upgrade meeting
A3PE firmware blocks : RAM Data storage (output buffer) before readout 8 x 16 (12 used) x 256 Read only by USB (first !) Test value injection RAM Use of the RAM test describ in LHCb ECAL/ HCAL Front-End card There exist different ways to use the RAM test: - The standard one: the RAM address is increased every 25ns by the clock and the sequence of 256 addresses is initiated by the test-sequence signal, originating in the calibration command of the channel B and enabled by the corresponding status of an I2C register. The sequence ends up after 256 clock cycles. - A variant with an enable loop bit loaded by I2C. In this case after the sequence initialisation the RAM address counter continues advancing and jumps automatically from address 255 to address 0. - The L0 mode where the RAM address is incremented upon reception of each L0. The sequence can be terminated at 255 or looped as in case 2. - Calibration mode where the RAM address is incremented upon reception of test sequence command. In this case by definition the system will loop after address 255. LHCb upgrade meeting