Using Scientific Processes
Before we get started… What are some processes scientists use to answer a question? Why do scientists use these processes?
Questioning Reflecting Gathering Info Analyze Results Hypothesizing What do you want to know? Reflecting Discuss what was learned, next steps etc. Gathering Info Learn enough to get started, make adjustments Scientific Processes Analyze Results Observe, graph, make claims Hypothesizing Predict relationships Experimenting Test your hypothesis
Defining key words… Hypothesis: A prediction about the relationship between two variables in an experiment. Analyze: To find relationships/patterns in data. Make a claim, give evidence, provide reasoning.
The Pretzel Challenge Questioning Gathering Info Hypothesizing Reflecting Questioning Experimenting Hypothesizing Gathering Info Analyzing Data How many pretzels in 60 sec? How long does it take to eat one? One at a time? I think I can eat… Have the contest Why didn’t I eat more? Compare numbers Claim: The average student can eat… People aren’t good at guessing, pretzels make your mouth dry
Let’s be realistic… How does using scientific processes compare to real life? How often do YOU use these processes? Could you use them in an everyday situation—like getting dressed in the morning?
Can you dress using scientific processes? Reflecting Questioning Experimenting Hypothesizing Gathering Info Analyzing Data What do should I wear today? What’s clean? What’s the weather? What fits? If I wear this, then my outfit will… Try it on! Look in the mirror, ask people. Make a decision. Wear it. Try on something else, never wear it again.