MOTIIVE: Marine Overlays on Topography Roger Longhorn Keiran Millard WFD GIS Expert Group Brussels, Belgium, 22nd November 2005
MOTIIVE MOTIIVE is an INSPIRE pilot project covering data harmonisation issues in the marine and coastal domain. How to implement data services in the marine domain based on ISO and OpenGIS standards. Supports IHO and IOC in establishing a registry infrastructure for standards and services that services can be built on. Demonstrate and document the above process, including the cost:benefit of using open standards interoperability. WFD GIS Expert Group Brussels, Belgium, 22nd November 2005
GMES Coastal User Context In the coastal zone we have many services based on core observations of the environment from many sources. What sort of information services are required by the WFD customer base and who defines them? WFD GIS Expert Group Brussels, Belgium, 22nd November 2005
WFD Use Case This type of service is typical of those being supported by GMES. How useful it to the WFD community to get this kind of data combined in such a way? SPM from remote sensing and/or from in-situ instruments Surface elevation and rainfall Likely kg/ha SPM from land from land use model Waves and currents from models or instruments A service that shows likely land based-source of SPM in the marine environment will need to get data from many sources and combine them in a meaningful way Water Body Typologies WFD GIS Expert Group Brussels, Belgium, 22nd November 2005
Concept User CSW Service Provider Bind Data Service EEA This is the type of deployment we are looking to establish to enable user communities harmonised access to information on which to build services. Central to this is the governance of Feature Catalogues by competent bodies and binding these to data services. IHO Bind An example service is based on the Features defined in catalogues managed an authority such as EEA. These Features are bound to the services of data providers <<FTC>> WFD <<FTC>> IOC EEA inherits Feature definitions from IOC and IHO catalogues, e.g. coastline, currents, waterlevel <<FTC>> S-57 Use Use Use Bind Bind Bind Data Service Data Service Data Service Other Data WFS WFS WFS Water Authority Data Hydrographic Data Oceanographic Data WFD GIS Expert Group Brussels, Belgium, 22nd November 2005
Thank you for your attention Thank you for your attention. Roger Longhorn MOTIIVE Steering Committee Leader Keiran Millard MOTIIVE Project Coordinator WFD GIS Expert Group Brussels, Belgium, 22nd November 2005