Government and Population Three major types of population policies… (1) expansive population policies (2) eugenic population policies (3) restrictive population policies
(1) Expansive Population Policies Government policies that encourage large families and raise the rate of population growth Which level in the demographic transition model may actually engage in this policy? Inherent Limitation?
(2) Eugenic Population Policies Government population policies designed to favor one racial sector over another. Most drastic example of this policy? Can you think of any situation in which this policy would be acceptable to the worldwide community?
(3) Restrictive Population Policies Government policies designed to reduce the rate of natural increase Toleration of officially unapproved means of birth control to the prohibition of large families Could a policy like this every work in the United States? Possible role of religion?
Overt Examples of Migration Restriction (1) Chinese Exclusion Act (2) Great Wall of China (3) Berlin Wall (4) Korean DMZ
Immigration Laws Laws and regulations of a state specifically designed to control immigration into that state i.e. Chinese (Oriental) Exclusion Acts (1882-1907)
Immigration Laws Quotas Established limits by the government on the number of immigrants who can enter the country each year. Raw number Specific Quota for country of Origin
Waves of US Immigration (1) Early 1800s Northern and Western Europe (areas that colonized America) (2) Late 1800s Southern and Eastern Europe (3) WWI Isolationism (4) Post WWI first quota system deterring immigrants from South and East Europe (5) 1965 abolishment of selective quota system (green cards, etc.) (6) Post 9-11
Selective Immigration Process to control immigration in which individuals certain backgrounds (i.e. criminal records, poor health, or subversive activities) are barred from immigrating New Zealand People of British Descendant Thailand No more Chinese Myanmar No more Indians