AGRICULTURAL CREDIT Original PowerPoint Created by Jonathon Pike Copied from Cal Poly Modified by Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum Office June 202
Capital Resources Intermediate goods used to produce other goods which typically generate income over extended periods of time
Examples of Agricultural Capital Buildings Equipment Houses Livestock Fuel
Credit is Capital Capital+Labor+Management=Profits
Most businesses are interested in expanding. Two ways to increase the size of a business are to: a. Physically increase by purchasing or renting more property b. increase the efficiency and productive capacity of existing business
Productive Credit is used to increase production or income. Purchase Land Livestock Equipment Seed Feed Fuel
Consumption Credit is use to purchase consumable items used by the family and does not contribute to the business income Food Clothing Household goods
Sources of Credit Short Term Credit Intermediate Credit Long Term Credit
Short Term Trade Creditors - Major Equipment Manf. 1) Merchants supply -for production 2) Equipment Dealers provide financing for purchase Short Term Continued:
Contract Farming -dealer supplies all materials -farmer paid flat fee -risk is small, farmer still gets $ Commercial Banks Production Credit Association (PCA)
Long Term Credit Federal Land Bank Life Insurance Companies Commercial Banks Individual Relatives
Intermediate Term Credit Through PCA Through Farmers Home Administration Life Insurance Companies Commercial Banks Individual Relatives
Collateral or Security -Long Term Loans covered by a mortgage -Intermediate & Short Term covered by assets as collateral