Maximizing our workweek and optimizing our space Make a more flexible scheduling grid that can accommodate all the different units Make the scheduling of classes a more centralized and more open process: make the unit course schedule graphic available to all so that overlap of essential courses does not occur Make the schedule align with our strategic and pedagogic goals, not with presumed space utilization rubrics Make the schedule more student friendly Make the schedule more faculty friendly Cluster same-number gen ed classes in predictable ways; offer both daytime and evening sections Correlate the relationship between fixed schedules (such as basic science courses with labs, which are taught on the same schedule every year) and changeable schedules (such as courses that are not taught every year) and determine which times are blocked out for the most students because of such schedules Work with Registrar and Room Scheduling to optimize space during “heavy” or “preferred” class times
possible ways to create a more flexible teaching schedule Determine which classes work best as 3-day 50-minute / 3-day lecture+lab / 3-day lecture+breakout and block off time for those Survey every unit to determine the ideal schedule for each unit and build a grid that can accommodate everyone Create a schedule that has M/W and T/Th 75-minute blocks Create a schedule that has 3-hour blocks on Friday: 10:00–12:45 and 1:00–3:45 Create a Saturday schedule: 6-hour blocks for 8-week classes, either 2 sessions or alternating weeks Create 3-hour blocks on weekday evenings: 3 hours once a week, or 3 hours twice a week for 8 weeks Ensure that students have adequate time to get to classes: minimum of 15 minutes, but 20 is better Reduce the number of class blocks for each day to accommodate extra commuting time Open more food venue options on campus? Food trucks would help congestion at lunch times Build into the schedule a specific time for Senate, unit, and department meetings
advantages to a more flexible schedule Faculty could teach their usual loads but have more compressed teaching schedules in order to work on research and scholarship Faculty could accommodate family schedules more easily Students would have more options for on-campus experiences Students could accommodate work and family schedules more easily Space would be more efficiently utilized—fewer dead spots during which buildings are lit, heated/air-conditioned and empty
disadvantages to a more flexible schedule There would be operating costs for security and infrastructure staff if Saturday schedules were implemented There would be operating costs for Union and other food service venues to be open (more) evenings and Saturdays Office support staff coverage would be less connected to teaching schedules
where we go from here Committee forming to assess the UMSL N-O-W program; new schedule could be incorporated into this process Discussion with Registrar, Assoc. Provost for Faculty Affairs, and VC for Facilities about feasibility Survey all units about preferred schedules Create sample grids and assess effectiveness through surveying students and faculty Choose a grid to submit to Provost