EIFS Correction Mathilde Benveniste benveniste@ieee.org Dongyan Chen Month 1998 doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/xxx September 2002 EIFS Correction Mathilde Benveniste benveniste@ieee.org Dongyan Chen Avaya Labs Research Mathilde Benveniste, Avaya Labs
Month 1998 doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/xxx September 2002 Our objective To correct the specification of EIFS in the 802.11e Draft Mathilde Benveniste, Avaya Labs
Background EIFS is defined on p72 lines 11-15 of D2 as follows: Month 1998 doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/xxx September 2002 Background EIFS is defined on p72 lines 11-15 of D2 as follows: EIFS=aSIFSTime +ACKTime+DIFS EIFS should differentiate between traffic classes as follows: EIFS=aSIFSTime +ACKTime+AIFS [see also 01/117r1] Without the correction, AIFS differentiation disappears after a collision Mathilde Benveniste, Avaya Labs
EIFS = aSIFSTime + ACKTime+ (DIFS)AIFS Month 1998 doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/xxx September 2002 Motion Modify text in Clause 9.2.10 as follows: The EIFS is derived from the SIFS and the (DIFS) AIFS and the length of time it takes to transmit an ACK Control frame at the PHY's lowest mandatory rate by the following equation: EIFS = aSIFSTime + ACKTime+ (DIFS)AIFS ______________________ Changes to existing text in current draft are shown underlined and in red for additions and (italicized in blue and in parentheses) for deletions. Mathilde Benveniste, Avaya Labs