+ - = How many ways could you put the numbers below to the boxes to make the statement true? -14 25 12 -8 3 9 -15 6 -26 4 -3 1 -5
Learning Journey – Directed Number I can add and subtract positive numbers. I can subtract positive numbers to give a negative answer. I can multiply and divide positive numbers. I can add a positive number to a negative number. I can subtract a positive number from a negative number. I can multiply and divide a positive number by a negative number. I can add negative numbers together. I can subtract a negative number from a positive number. I can multiply and divide a negative number by a negative number. I can subtract a negative number from a negative number. I can use directed number to solve problems involving other topics such as the order of operations and fractions.
Keyword Definition Positive Negative
Super 6 – Directed Number Spot the pattern and fill in the gaps: 3 + 3 = _ 3 + 2 = _ 3 + 1 = _ 3 + 0 = _ 3 + _ = _ The temperature is now 4°C. What is the temperature after a 9°C decrease? If the temperature the day before was -3°C, what is the increase? The temperature in London is -2°C. It is 3 times colder in Edinburgh. What is the temperature in Edinburgh? It is 5 times colder in Antarctica in winter than in summer. In winter it is -30°. What would you expect the temperature to be in summer? ●4+●3-●5 = By replacing the circles with + (positive) or – (negative) symbols, which of the following numbers cannot be made? a) 12 b) -6 c) 6 d) -13 e) 4 Fill in the gaps: -6 × __ = -36 ÷ -2 (6 + -4) × (14 + -8) = __ -12 ÷ __ = (-2)2 The fractions are equally spaced. What are the missing fractions?