Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Hi! Everyone. Nice to meet you. My name is Lee Byung-Gook. As you know, this lecture will be done in English You must use gesture, sign, body and English language in this class. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Professor Room #9502 320-1727, 011-9331-1453 Office hours Wed/Fri 13:00pm -16:00pm All class handouts, project assignments, reading lists, and lecture notes will be available via the Web at URL 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Teaching assistants nam-woo kim Room #9502 320-1727, 011-9517-6699 She is graduate student. Maybe, she will assist you to study this course. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Grading evaluation criteria Attendance, Participation and Creativity = 20% 1 Projects = 30% correctness (40%), efficiency (20%), elegance (20%), originality (20%). 2 Exams = 50% This class will be graded on the basis of following rule. I will attendance, participation and creativity will count as 20%. Projects #1 and #2 will each count as 15% of your grade. Grading criteria on the projects will vary; typical criteria are correctness (40%), efficiency (20%), elegance (of your UI and your code) (20%), and originality (20%). The midterm and final exams will each cover half of the material in the course, and will each count as 25%. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Others Reference 1 : OpenGL SuperBible 2ed, Richard S. Wright. Jr. Michael Sweet, Waite Group Press. Reference 2 : Interactive Computer Graphics a top-down approach with OpenGL 2ed, Edward Angel, Addison Wesley. Software : Visual C++ with OpenGL Prepare Files we provide a Visual C++ package that runs on MS-windows. you will program in c or c++ with OpenGL. my English syntax and pronunciation does not represent the "total truth." You must prepare following files, You will be required to keep all papers, notes & articles related to this class in a notebook which will be checked periodically throughout the semester. I tend to check during the mid-point of the semester and again at the end. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. The generation of graphical output using a computer by developing software to accomplish the task by using pre-existing application software like Photoshop, 3D Studio Max, Maya, … Now, Let’s talking about Computer Graphics. We can classify computer graphics by two methods. Computer Graphics can be generated by developing … It means, using c, c++, java, java3D, OpenGL, Direct-X,… And, Computer Graphics can be generated by using …Maya, PhotoShop, Flash… In this class, we will study OpenGL program language to generate computer graphics. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. This course is an introduction to 2D and 3D computer graphics by developing software to accomplish the task. include output primitives, 2D transformations and clipping, 3D display techniques, representations and transformations, projection algorithms, Bezier, B-spline and NURBS, animation, and rendering. There will be a strong emphasis on the mathematical and geometric aspects of graphics 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Modeling Animation Rendering We can classify computer graphics by three parts He is Geri, character of Geri’s game and Toy Story II. Geri's Game received the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film in 1998 You must see Toy Story II If did not see yet. Please check whether this short is include in video. This is a scene that a person plays chess game alone. However, he is conflicting with himself. This is all of computer graphics. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Modeling The creation of mathematical models of 2D and 3D objects Computer generated models, or 3D models, are built in the 3D environment of a computer. Due to the nature of digital technology, computer generated models are becoming very popular, even out-side of the cinema industry. These models can then be zoomed in or rotated to any view, or even animated to show a real-time walk through or fly-by. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Animation Topics include traditional principles of animation, kinematic and dynamic modeling techniques, physical simulation, procedural methods, and motion capture based animation. You can see the motion capture equipment at the DIDIC in the Culture Center Building. Next time, we will wear special cloth such as diving suit and receive your motion capture data. This is simple than solve complex mathematical problem You must solve partial differential equation of inverse kinematic model.. This equipment is about 100,000 US dollar. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Rendering These models, starting as a wire frame model, are digitally wrapped with textures and rendered with reflections, transparencies, and shadows to give a photo-realistic view of the object or building. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. CAGD Computer Aided Geometric Design We can classify computer graphics by many research area. CAGD is one of major research field of modeling. CAGD is computer aided geometric design's abbreviated word. Next picture is an instrument in the Norway Viking museum. It was a necessary tool when manufacture ship. this is a method to make a free smooth curve. Maybe it is a traditional geometric design tool. These days, we can get the smooth curve using computer. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. CAGD Bezier B-spline NURBS Subdivision There are many sub-field in CAGD. In 1960, France automaker’s engineer found useful curve in car design. He is Pierre Bezier. We speak this smooth curved line as Bezier curve. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Bezier There are many sub-field in CAGD. In 1960, France automaker’s engineer found useful curve in car design. He is Pierre Bezier. We speak this smooth curved line as Bezier curve. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Pierre BEZIER died on November 25, 1999. The following short biography has been published in volume 22, number 9 (november 1990) of "Computer Aided Design", a special issue devoted to Bezier techniques. Pierre Etienne Bezier was born on September 1, 1910 in Paris. Son and grandson of engineers, he chose this profession too and enrolled to study mechanical engineering at the Ecole des Arts et Metiers and received his degree in 1930. In the same year he entered the Ecole Superieure d'Electricite and earnt a second degree in electrical engineering in 1931. In 1977, 46 years later, he received his DSc degree in mathematics from the University of Paris. In 1933, aged 23, Bezier entered Renault and worked for this company for 42 years. He started as Tool Setter, became Tool Designer in 1934 and Head of the Tool Design Office in 1945. In 1948, as Director of Production Engineering he was responsable for the design of the transfer lines producing most of the 4 CV mechanical parts. In 1957, he became Director of Machine Tool Division and was responsable for the automatic assembly of mechanical components, and for the design and production of an NC drilling and milling machine, most probably one of the first machines in Europe. Bezier become managing staff member for technical development in 1960 and held this position until 1975 when he retired. Bezier started his research in CADCAM in 1960 when he devoted a substantial amount of his time working on his UNISURF system. From 1960, his research interest focused on drawing machines, computer control, interactive free-form curve and surface design and 3D milling for manufactoring clay models and masters. His system was launched in 1968 and has been in full use since 1975 supporting about 1500 staff members today. Bezier's academic career began in 1968 when he became Professor of Production Engineering at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers. He held this position until 1979. He wrote four books, numerous papers and received several distinctions including the "Steven Anson Coons" of the Association for Computing Machinery and the "Doctor Honoris Causa" of the Technical University Berlin. He is an honorary member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and of the Societe Belge des Mecaniciens, ex-president of the Societe des Ingenieurs et Scientifiques de France, Societe des Ingenieurs Arts et Metiers, and he was one of the first Advisory Editors of "Computer-Aided Design". Christophe Rabut, Departement de Genie Mathematique Institut National des Sciences Appliquees 135, avenue de Rangueil F-31077 TOULOUSE Cedex 4 (France) This is a memorial report about his death. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. B-spline Subdivision is major research filed in cagd, now a days. This is study about how to produce smooth curve from polygon. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Subdivision Subdivision is major research filed in cagd, now a days. This is study about how to produce smooth curve from polygon. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Subdivision This is one of example of 3D subdivision. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Application Areas Scientific and Engineering Applications : Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Computer Simulation, Structural Analysis Art and Entertainment : Games, Cartoon and Animation, Digital Art, Multimedia presentation Publishing and documentation : Pre-press production, Advertising, Technical illustrations Interfaces : Computer applications, Headup displays 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Digital Animation Toy story2 A bug’s life These are full digital animation film made by pixar company and distributed by Walt-Disney in USA. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Web 3D VRML Java3D Cult3D Shout3D NeMoWeb Lightwave Web 3D is a general term used to describe a number of open, interoperable Internet-based 3D technologies that have been endorsed by the Web3D consortium. The Web3D consortium is nonprofit organization. It consists of more than 50 leading high-technology companies, such as Apple, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Silicon Graphics, Sun, and Sony. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Program OpenGL Direct X Java3D 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. OpenGL OpenGL is a software interface to graphics hardware. This interface consists of about 120 distinct commands, which you use to specify the objects and operations needed to produce interactive three-dimensional applications. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. OpenGL OpenGL is designed as a streamlined, hardware-independent interface to be implemented on many different hardware platforms. To achieve these qualities, no commands for performing windowing tasks or obtaining user input are included in OpenGL; instead, you must work through whatever windowing system controls the particular hardware you're using. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. OpenGL OpenGL doesn't provide high-level commands for describing models of three-dimensional objects. Such commands might allow you to specify relatively complicated shapes such as automobiles, parts of the body, airplanes, or molecules. With OpenGL, you must build up your desired model from a small set of geometric primitive - points, lines, and polygons. 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.
Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ. Samples 3D scanner Heart animation VRML interpreter Motion capture interpreter Surfaces Simplification Games 2 January 2019 Computer Graphics, Lee Byung-Gook, Dongseo Univ.