Influences on taking part in sport.
Influences 3 Learning objectives By the end of this presentation you should be able to: Understand various influences that affect sports participation CHIPSR Describe each of the influences Explain the effect of each influence
What you will learn about Influences 2 What you will learn about in this topic: Cultural influences Health and well-being influences Image influences People Influences Socio-economic influences Resources Influences 3
Influences 4 Cultural influences Cultural influences are those that impact on daily life and are often out of a person’s control. These include age, disability, gender and race.
Health and well-being influences Participation in exercise can help your health and well-being. Such as: Exercise gives you energy so helps to prevent fatigue. More exercise means more calories are burned. The heart becomes stronger and bigger so can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
Health and well-being influences Illness and health problems can affect participation. For example people who have Asthma might not be able to take part in events such as running.
Influences 19 Image influences Sports can go in and out of fashion, usually depending on the level of coverage they get in the media. Media coverage highlights events the Premier league Many people may take part in the London marathon to be on television.
Influences 29 People:Family If your parents have a keen interest in a particular sport or introduce you to an activity at a young age, you are more likely to take up the same sport.
Influences 30 People: Friends The influence of the friendship group is very important. It is much easier to succeed with the support and encouragement of friends.
Influences 38 People-Role models A role model is someone who is looked up to and admired for what they are have achieved personally and or professionally. Many young people will try to emulate their role model by wearing the same clothes, having the same haircut and, crucially, playing the same sport as them.
Socio-economic influences Cost: Many activities have costs associated with it. For example you may need to pay for football boots, if you cannot afford this then you are less likely to play football. Status: If you are working you are less likely to have the time to play or watch sport.
Influences 42 Resources Availability: If people are to take part in physical activity then suitable facilities and resources must be available. Location: Participation in sport depends on what is available locally. Access: Facilities need to be easily accessible, i.e can be reached by walking or by bus. Time: Facilities need to be available at the right time, i.e astroturf available after school.
3 Influences 48 Exam question Habib is a talented sportsman who could represent the school in many sports. Evaluate the potential influence of different factors on Habib’s choice of physical activities? Remember there are 6 marks (15%) for this question in the exam. Use CHIPSR to help remember everything you need to discuss. Teacher’s notes Correct answer is C.