Harry Nelson, UCSB Collaboration Meeting July 1, 2002 DAQ Harry Nelson, UCSB Collaboration Meeting July 1, 2002
Collaboration Meeting The real workers Rupak - in India - most appropriate to give this talk UCSB Crew Joel Sander Ron Ferril Chris Savage Don Holmgren Long Duong Dan Bauer I’m a spokesmodel today….. 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting
Collaboration Meeting CDMS-II System Substantial Progess on Software Production versions of (nearly) all boards Systems Test at UCSB - success! … ship to FNAL Systems Test at FNAL working! 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting
Collaboration Meeting ZIP (FE) Board at UCSB Pulser ZIP Board 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting
RTF, Trigger Conditioner, Trigger Logic Trig. Cond RTF Board Trig. Logic 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting
Collaboration Meeting Digitizer, Interface Digitizer Interface 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting
Display of a Digitized Pulse Ran over the weekend of 6/1-2/02 220,000 events, no failures 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting
The Software - http://cdms.physics.ucsb.edu/daqii/ 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting
Configuration Manager 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting
Front End Board Configuration 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting
Collaboration Meeting RTF Configuration 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting
Collaboration Meeting CAEN Control 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting
Collaboration Meeting Listen to Errors 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting
Collaboration Meeting Monitoring Channel 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting
Collaboration Meeting Event Builder Developed for CDF (R2DM) http://www-cdfonline.fnal.gov/r2dm/ Assembles subevents, writes to disk In all tests so far, under run control command, but `hardwired’ 1 Tower (2 Towers in July) 50 Mbyte/s (Gigabit) During July, measure livetime, configure from files, use proper event format 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting
Collaboration Meeting Immediate Future Up and running at FNAL System is portable! Dry run for Soudan Already Apparent Configuration Code Management Keep battle testing through late July Then: Multi crates, etc. (digitizer: Struck 60 Mb/s) Battle test from August until September ON TO SOUDAN! 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting
Collaboration Meeting Test Sites Who would like to try stuff out? Berkeley July 22-26 ? 07/01/02 Collaboration Meeting