MD Electives Program Collaboration Stacey Bernstein: stacey.bernstein Antonio Pignatello: Seetha Radhakrishnan:
MD Program Electives Course Course Objectives To gain experience in aspects of medicine beyond the core curriculum To develop knowledge and skills in greater depth in areas of medicine selected by students To provide students with opportunities for career exploration September – December of 4th year 13 weeks of mandatory elective time Must be a minimum of 2 weeks in duration 50% of elective time completed at other Universities Registration: UofT electives 10 mos in advance Visiting elective 7 mos in advance through AFMC portal
Issues affecting md program electives Increasing emphasis on electives for CaRMS applications Increased unmatched rate Student dissatisfaction with elective counselling Conflicting assumptions on electives required for successful program application AFMC Portal Application period 28 -16 weeks in advance Confirmations require 4-12 weeks Little flexibility for changes to applications
Issues affecting md program electives Access to first choice specialty AFMC Portal Opthalmology 46% Dermatology 46% Anesthesiology 46% ObGyn 48% Family Medicine 49% Internal Medicine 61% Pediatrics 61% Psychiatry 66% General Surgery 74% Increased applications to improve success rate 25-30% cancellation rate Elective Application Fees $ 200-700/student
Number of UofT Electives vs Visiting Electives
Visiting Electives by University
MD Program Actions taken National Elective Cap Students allowed to complete a maximum of 8 weeks in any one specialty (2021) National MSPR Committee Enhancing the MSPR to better inform PG on applicant performance Enhancing MD Program Career Development and CaRMS Readiness Implementing a 4 year integrated curriculum Clerkship Core Days – Electives counselling & CaRMS preparation
Collaboration with PGME Objective: To provide MD students with up to date and accurate information on PG selection process To provide MD students with consistent information on electives and their role in PG selection process Potential Collaboration: Survey on electives to PG Program Directors Forum for discussion with students
MD Electives Program Collaboration Stacey Bernstein: stacey.bernstein Antonio Pignatello: Seetha Radhakrishnan: