The Employer Mandate With Dr. Kristin Kahle 12037s1018
Allied National Operational Profile Underwriting Claims Administration Policy Service Actuarial Compliance Product Development Case Management Sales & Marketing Legal
Allied National Risk Partners Combined Equity = $40.9B Aetna = $15.8B Cigna = $13.7B
New Allied Cost Saver – Goals To offer an affordable, group health plan for employers priced out of the traditional major medical market Meets ACA MEC requirements for ALEs Provide REAL benefits Be affordable Be easy to sell and install
No medical underwriting! Our Underwriting No medical underwriting! Rates based on gender, age and group demographics 9 or fewer – age-banded rates 10 or more – composite rates Standard Funding Advantage participation When doing as part of a dual class strategy – talk to us to help design a plan that is easy and works for your client
Our Target Employers who are unable to afford a full major medical plan Employers with 2 or more full-time employees Applicable Large Employers ALEs 50+ FTEs! Carve outs or dual option plans available in conjunction with major medical plans
Applicable Large Employers Our Presenter Cost Saver and Applicable Large Employers Our Presenter Dr. Kristin Kahle
Allied Funding Advantage and Cost Saver Orange: Available for sale Blue: Adverse small group Stop-Loss Regulations 8
Agent 10% Compensation Default Compensation Since this is a level-funded program, agents can request any reasonable compensation needed. (higher or lower) Agent 10%
Questions and Answers Call Your Local General Agent or Allied Sales Support at 888-767-7133 Dr. Kristin Kahle