Literacy Updates
Read to Achieve Reading Camp 1st and 2nd Graders Identification will be based on DIBELS Composite results. 1st and 2nd grade students who are below level (red or yellow) on their DIBELS Composite Parent information letter to be sent to all 1st and 2nd graders within the next two weeks. (English and Spanish letters on Principal Wiki and IRT Wiki)
Close to 14,000 1st and 2nd graders not at Benchmark at MOY…… Examining our practices Assessing first on grade level at benchmark periods Progress monitoring
WCPSS Data comparing BOG, TRC (EOY) and Reading EOG for 3rd Graders Year %Proficient on BOG %Proficient on TRC (MOY) % Proficient on TRC (EOY) % Proficient on EOG 2015-16 47.1 2014-15 45.2 56% 67% 69.5% 2013-14 43.0 55% 70% 70.1%