Fiscal Year 2013-14 Proposed Budget Presented by Superintendent Erroll B. Davis Jr. and Chief Financial Officer Charles A. Burbridge Atlanta Board of Education Budget Commission May 13, 2013
Agenda Where are we Where we want to go Financial challenges Next steps
Uncoordinated Acts Not Systemic Situation Analysis Uncoordinated Acts Not Systemic
College & Career Performance Index (CCRPI) Results, District-Wide State Mean CCRPI Overall Score = 78.5
Schools with Highest CCRPI (Top 5) Charles Drew Elementary: 98.0 Lin: 97.2 West Manor: 97.1 Springdale Park: 97.1 Jackson: 96.9 Elementary KIPP Strive: 98.1 Inman: 97.0 Charles Drew Middle: 89.3 KIPP WAYS: 87.6 KIPP Vision: 87.5 Middle Carver E.C.: 96.3 Washington E.C.: 82.8 KIPP Atlanta Collegiate: 79.7 Grady: 70.5 North Atlanta: 68.0 High
Schools with Lowest CCRPI (Bottom 5) University Community Academy: 41.6 Scott: 42.3 Thomasville Heights: 42.4 Bethune: 44.2 Hutchinson: 47.9 Elementary University Community Academy: 47.0 The BEST Academy: 50.4 Price: 55.4 Harper-Archer: 55.6 M.L. King: 57.8 Middle Crim: 29.2 Forrest Hill: 33.7 Washington Health: 46.0 The BEST Academy: 46.3 Therrell Health: 49.2 High
APS Strategy Map
The Gap ($ Millions) 2013 2014 2014 B/(W) than 2013 Revenues/Resources $579.7 $554.0 $(25.7) Expenditures/Appropriations 579.7 614.9 (35.2) Gap $(60.9)
FY13 Projected Expenditures FY 2014 Budget Proposal by Tiers ($ Millions) FY13 Projected Expenditures Percentage FY14 Proposed Budget 1 – Classroom $ 361.2 62.3% $ 370.1 60.2% 2 - School House 112.5 19.4% 127.3 20.7% Subtotal: Classroom and School House $ 473.7 81.7% $ 497.4 80.9% 3 - Direct Support of Schools $ 22.5 3.9% $ 20.5 3.3% 4 - Support of Schools 83.5 14.4% 97.0 15.8% Grand Total $ 579.7 100% $ 614.9 $35.2
Programmatic vs. Non-Programmatic ($ Millions) Projected 2013 Expenditures $579.7 Proposed 2014 Appropriation 614.9 Net Increase $(35.2) Explained by: Non-Programmatic Changes: 3% Bonus $(9.6) No Furlough (6.0) Charter Schools (2.5) Unfunded Pension (5.0) Health Insurance (12.8) Employee Benefits (0.5) Charter School Administration 0.1 $(36.3) Programmatic Changes $1.1 Total
Closing the Gap ($ Millions) Vacancy Management $ 3.0 3 Furlough Days 4.5 Property Sale 6.0 Beltline Payments 8.0 Bonus Elimination 9.6 Fund Balance 20.0 Program / Personnel Reductions 9.8 Total $ 60.9
Next Steps