Unit #1 – Renaissance and Reformation Lesson #1 – Renaissance Italy
Communes and Republics City-states became “Communes” (sworn associations led by merchant guilds) WHO IS IN CHARGE IN A COMMUNE? Challenged by Popolo (commoners) HOW COULD THE RABBLE EFFECTIVELY CHALLENGE MECHANT GUILD LEADERSHIP? could be violent (if taxed too much or disenfranchised too much) WHAT WOULD THE MERCHANT GUILD LEADERSHIP NEED TO CONTROL THE POPOLO? Would lead to a need for Machiavellianism WHAT DO YOU THINK THAT IS?
Communes and Republics Usually, republics were outwitted by a single clever one man (Signori), or Oligarchies Some became to powerful the took over government and formed elected bodies – above the “elite” Signori lived like kings – developed beautiful Courts WHY WOULD THEY FEEL A NEED TO HAVE FANCY OSTENTACIOUSNESS SURROUND THEM? A show of power – palaces and elaborate ceremony Would look for ways to display power and wealth and culture WHAT WILL THIS LEAD TO?
City States and Balance of Power The “big five” Milan –Sforza (Signori) Florence –Medici (banking) Family Papal States Naples Venice – huge trade empire Big ones controlled smaller ones Balance of Power – worked until the Italian Wars of 1494-1559 PEACE OF LODI (1454) Milan, Naples and Florence
Trade and Prosperity Each city-state was like its own country Venice and Genoa – rich from sea trade Developed trade monopolies Florence – location is everything! FLORENTINE BANKING (crossroads) Led to wealth for more individuals (ex: Medici)
Shattering of Lodi Italian independence would come to an end Sforza family of Milan wanted to diminish the financial (and military) power of Venice Invited Charles VIII of France to Invade and beat on Venice (never intended for them to stay!) Invasion: 1494 (25,000 man army) French army plundered most of Italy… unopposed Venice formed LEAGUE OF VENICE (1494) Venice, Milan (ha!!), Spain and HRE Later included Papal States and Florence United, they cut off Charles and pushed him out of Italy Problem: this became all about Spain vs. France