Mathematics and Resources (Focus Study) FSRe1 Water availability and usage FSRe2 Dams, land and catchment areas FSRe3 Energy and sustainability
Basic Concepts: Collect and interpret data about a household’s water usage Construct and interpret rainfall graphs Collect and interpret data on water availability Calculate the perimeter of a section of land using a site plan or aerial photograph Estimate and calculate the area of land and catchment areas Estimate the volume of a dam using Simpsons’ rule Interpret information about a household’s energy usage Calculate the costs of running different household appliances Calculate building-sustainability measures based on the requirements of the BASIX
Rainfall This graph shows information about the Central Coast. Central Coast Climate This graph shows information about the Central Coast. Construct 5 questions about this information.
Current dam storage levels Water tanks Water tanks are used to store rainwater from the roof. Most people buying domestic water tanks use the water collected for the garden. However, water tanks can also be connected to the toilet and laundry. There are various shapes and sizes of water tanks. The maximum volume of water in tanks is calculated by multiplying the area of the base by the height (V = Ah). The volume of water collected from a roof is calculated by multiplying the horizontal area of the roof and the depth of the rainfall. If the roof is at a slant, then the horizontal area of the roof is less than the actual area of the roof. Current dam storage levels
Use this bill to answer the questions on the following slide:
Area and Capacity Calculations This is an image from google maps. How would you find the area and perimeter of Frost Reserve?
Area and Capacity Calculations The perimeter of dams, land and catchment areas can be found using aerial photographs such as those obtained from Google Earth. It is much quicker than actually measuring the land.
Using Simpson’s Rule for Volume
Energy Efficient Housing