The Age of Reason The Enlightenment Applied Scientific Ideas to Politics The 1700’s are referred to as the “Age of Enlightenment” Science and Reason could explain everything in the Universe. Rationalism - truth is arrived at by using rational, logical thinking. Everything in the world can be explained. Isaac Newton
The Social Contract Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were two English philosophers who lived through the English Civil War. Hobbes thought that man was cruel, and greedy. To escape anarchy one needed to live by a social contract. A strong government = peace Locke thought that people were basically good. People had natural rights, life liberty and the right to own property. If government violates the rights-bye govt.
Baron de Montesquieu The ideas of John Locke inspired Montesquieu. Montesquieu wrote his book, “The Spirit of the Laws” He mistakenly thought the English govt. was divided up into three parts that kept the other two in check. Montesquieu influenced the framers of the Constitution. The branches of government legislative, executive and judicial. Montesquieu
Crusaders of the Enlightenment The thinkers of the Enlightenment were called philosophes. The philosophes were critics of society and government. The philosophes used the printed word to spread their ideas. The Encyclopedia, was published and edited by Denis Diderot and his assistant Jean d’Alembert.
Voltaire Francois-Marie Arouet(Voltaire) was a famous writer. Voltaire was imprisoned for a time in the Bastille. He fled to England and admired the English political system. Voltaire wrote his book “ Letters on England” Voltaire was a defender of the right to free speech. Voltaire becomes the symbol of the French Revolution. Voltaire
Crusaders of the Enlightenment
Rousseau Jean-Jacques Rousseau gained fame by winning an essay contest. He wrote his book, “The Social Contract.” His philosophy said that man had been born pure, but was corrupted by society. The free state of man can only be maintained if the people choose their own government. Popular sovereignty or created by and subject to the will of the people. Rousseau distrusted Reason and Logic. He thought the individual should be subordinate to the group or masses.
Mary Wollstonecraft and Adam Smith Mary Wollstonecraft was a feminist. She wrote “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.” Mary Wollstonecraft advocated education for women and equality with men. The physiocrates focused on economic reform. They urged a policy of laissez-faire or no government interference. No tariffs or taxes. Adam Smith, in “Wealth of Nations” argued for the free market or supply and demand. The market place was better off without government interference.