Dorvilleid from Eel R. methane seep (525 m)
How many dorvilleid species are present? Research Questions: How many dorvilleid species are present? How can they tolerate such toxic conditions? Do the species partition their habitat ? (by food? sulfide tolerance? settlement cues?) Does sulfide drive their evolution?
Studying sulfide effects with experiments Colonization tray Gear Elevator
Do dorvilleids respond to sulfide as a settlement cue? Eel R. Seeps (N. CA) 500 m with or without sulfide Tray Treatments (6 reps each): 1. Agar without sulfide (outside seeps) 2. Agar with sulfide, 8- 9mM (outside seeps) 3. Agar with sulfide, 8- 9 mM (inside seeps)
Do dorvilleids partition the system by diet? Pseudophryotrocha cf. serrata bacteria d13C = -36.9 sediment Ophryotrocha platykephale d13C = -22.7 Stable isotope signatures indicate diet (you are what you eat)
Isotopes reveal habitat partitioning - Dorvilleidae Eel R. Margin, Bacterial mat, 500 m H2S: 2-10mM ? H2S: 2mM phytoplankton sulfur bacteria methane derived C sulfide oxidation terrestrial C