Microsoft Word 2013 Part II
Font Formatting Ctrl + D Font type Font size Increase Font Size Decrease Font Size Change case Clear All Formatting
Text Effects and Typography Font Formatting Font type Font size Increase Font Size Decrease Font Size Change case Clear All Formatting Font color Bold Italic Strikethrough Subscript Superscript Text Highlight color Underline Text Effects and Typography
Paragraph Formatting Multilevel list Bullets Numbering Indent Lt to Rt Rt to Lt Sort Show/hide
Paragraph Formatting Align Lt Center Line spacing Border Align Rt Justify Line spacing Shading Border
Styles A style is a format enhancing tool that includes font type, font size, effects (bold, italics, underline), colors and more. It allows you to quickly format a document with a consistent and professional look. When you modify a style, the changes will apply to all text that has that style applied to it.
Editing Word Word Microsoft Word
Insert Table
Table Borders
Table Shading
Edit Table
Insert Header & Footer Text added in the blank area of the bottom margin Text added in the blank area of the top margin
Insert Page Number
Insert Text
Symbols & Equation Equation tools
Spelling & Grammar F7
Word Options