Senior English 9/10/18 What does it take to have a good conversation with someone you don’t know well? How do you learn from people that are not teachers? What should the inventor of “Knock, Knock” jokes win? MAD – Mutual Assured Destruction. A concept in nuclear planning. Goals – Discuss attitudes for a good conversation. Discuss disciplined inquiry within AIW; use questioning technique. Introduce personal essay. Homework – Complete annotation any of last week’s Daily work. Five minutes of vocab #2 study. The no-bell prize.
Senior English 9/11/18 What challenges do you face to successfully complete your Personal Essay? How does NASA organize a party? OAO – One and Only. Used in the naval Academy to refer to one’s sweetheart. Goals – Story time – How I got into the Peace Corps. Start thinking about some of the things you have learned in life and how you learned them. Homework – Free write/brainstorm stories from your life that taught you lessons that may help you deal with the future. Five minutes of vocab. They planet.
Senior English 9/12/18 Do you know of any tricks to make your writing more interesting? What is your strategy for starting writing tasks? Why are frogs never upset? SAPFU – Surpassing All Previous Foul Ups Goals – Review assignment sheet. Critical thinking about your list of memories. Discuss ways to make writing interesting. Examine sample essays for ideas about topics and techniques. Homework –Write an descriptive passage about yourself or a verbal “selfie.” Use Sensory detail. Five minutes of vocab. They eat everything that bugs them.
Senior English 9/13/18 What is the best strategy for getting a paper written for my class?Can you improve on the way you approached the task in 10th grade? How do you make friends with a squirrel? SUSFU – Situation Unchanged Still Fouled up Goals – Read a sample essays. Start thinking about possible ways to improve the readability of the story you are telling. Homework – Work on the story part of your essay.. Don’t forget to study for vocab.2 quiz tomorrow. Climb a tree and act like a nut.
Senior English 9/14/18 Five minutes to review for the vocab. 2 quiz. What is the difference between bird flu and swine flu? SWAG – Scientific Wild A**ed Guess Goals – Complete vocab. 2 study. Examine new words and definition for vocab 3. Begin study for vocab 3. Homework – Five minutes of vocab 3 study for Saturday and Sunday. Keep adding tricks to make your story more interesting. Moving on to the analysis part on Monday. For bird flu you need tweetment and for swine flu you need oinkment.