Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board Secretariat The Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board, 10 years of support to the control and prevention of viral hepatitis in Europe. Alex Vorsters Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board Secretariat Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination WHO Collaborating Centre for Control and Prevention of Viral Hepatitis Unit of Epidemiology and Social Medicine University of Antwerp, Belgium
Content Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board (VHPB) VHPB activities Hepatitis B control in Europe Hepatitis B vaccination: How to reach risk groups.
Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board The objective of VHPB is to contribute to the control and prevention of viral hepatitis by drawing the attention to this important public health problem by issuing prevention guidelines and by encouraging actions to improve control and prevention. VHPB focus audiences are, in first instance, opinion leaders, policymakers, and health care professionals.
Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board VHPB is established in 1992. First actions related to hepatitis B as an occupational risk. World Health Assembly sets in 1992 Hepatitis B Vaccination targets on the integration of hepatitis B vaccine into national childhood vaccination programmes. In 1993, VHPB started a second major initiative and focused on hepatitis B as a community health risk. The geographical focus was initially Western Europe, its actions are extended to include all 51 countries in the WHO/EURO
Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board members CDC, CVP/PATH, WHO/HQ, WHO/EURO, MOH, Universities network of experts
Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board Meetings 2 - 3 meetings/year Viral Hepatitis Newsletter 2 issues/year mailing to appr. 5000 readers Web site Scientific publications Participation at Scientific Meetings
Web site Web site Overview of the VHPB Show all previous recommendations and consensus statements All Viral Hepatitis issues as of 1996 can be downloaded Presentations of VHPB meetings are one line since 2001
Meetings and Recommendations The VHPB has already covered a broad range of control and prevention strategies for all forms of hepatitis Surveillance Universal programs Injection safety and safe blood supply HBV mutants and variants Prevention and control of viral hepatitis in migrants and refugees Behavioural issues in hepatitis B vaccination How to reach risk groups Combined vaccines Economic evaluations
Support to the Introduction of hepatitis B vaccination in Europe Prevention and control of hepatitis B in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States. ( Siofock, Hungary, 1996) Control of hepatitis B in Europe: Where are we in 1997 (Madrid Spain, Nov 1997) (Vaccine 16 (1998) S11-S16) Strengthening immunisation systems and introduction of hepatitis B vaccine in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States. (St Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2001)
HBsAg prevalence in WHO/EURO region
Hep B immunization programmes in WHO/EURO region, 1993
Hep B immunization programmes in WHO/EURO region, 1996
Hep B immunization programmes in WHO/EURO region, 2002
Universal adolescent programmes in WHO/EURO region, 2002
Prenatal screening in WHO/EURO region, 2002
Reported immunization coverage rate WHO/EURO, 1990-2001 WHO Regional Office for Europe
Hepatitis B vaccination: how to reach risk groups VHPB meeting March 2001 Pre-meeting document online ( Invited experts to cover the different risk groups Recommendations are available Viral Hepatitis Issue Vol 10 N° 1 Meeting report in Vaccine 21 (2002)
Risk groups injecting drug users health care workers and other workers with occupational risks for hepatitis B sex workers persons who engage in unsafe sexual behaviour household contacts and other social contacts of persons with HBV infection pregnant women and at-risk neonates patients receiving blood or blood products, haemodialysis patients, and transplant patients prisoners and prison staff travellers
Number of immigrants from high-risk regions in Denmark, 1991-2000 Presented by Dr A-M Plesner, at VHPB meeting 2001 in Gent
Hepatitis B vaccination in sex workers Vaccination coverage for sex workers appears to be very low in many countries 82% of 168 first time contacts in the Gent sex worker outreach programme were not protected (Viral Hepatitis Issue 10.1, R. Mak) 18 (11%) naturally acquired HB infection 12 (7%) vaccinated before start of sex work Only one persons was vaccinated because of occupation as sex worker
VHPB plans for the future Public health challenges for controlling HCV infection. (Viral Hepatitis issue) Prevention of viral hepatitis in Italy: Lessons learnt and the way forward. (Viral Hepatitis issue) Overview of the VHPB recommendations (1995-2001) in a special Viral Hepatitis Issue. Vaccine Safety meeting (March 2003) Country meeting (Germany and Sweden, October 2003) Review the viral hepatitis prevention situation in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States (2004) Thank you