COST Action TU 0904 “St. CIRIL and METHODIUS” UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING SKOPJE - MACEDONIA Cvetkovska Meri Lazarov Ljupco Todorov Koce examination, assessment and repair of fire damaged rc structure of „refinery-okta“ in skopje
Schematic presentation of the fired structure COST Action TU 0904 R1(G1- 55*100cm) B3 (30*60cm) R1 9 m B3 B2 (45*60cm) 6 m B1-less fire exposed beam Schematic presentation of the fired structure
1. VISUAL INSPECTION OF STRUCTURE COST Action TU 0904 1. VISUAL INSPECTION OF STRUCTURE Red color indicate temperaures round 6000C Flexy color indicate temperaures round 9000C Deformation of crane beam because of the restrained dilatation
2. Experimental determination of the residual concrete strength COST Action TU 0904 2. Experimental determination of the residual concrete strength Before testing all the specimens were divided in two slices. The deteriorated (burned) slices had small height (3-6 cm) and rough surface The speciment were taken without the destruction of reinforcement and were tested at the Testing laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje
COST Action TU 0904 TESTING EQUIPEMENT Results of strength tests on samples that were not exposed to fire Average strength of concrete exposed to fire was 9,24 MPa
Numerical determination of the residual concrete strength COST Action TU 904 Numerical determination of the residual concrete strength el.3 el.4 el.1 el.2 b) 22.5cm axis of symmetry 22.5cm 428 628 222 228 a) axis of symmetry Isotherms in the cross section of the beam B2 (t=1.5hours), residual concrete strength after cooling phase
Numerical determination of the residual concrete strength COST Action TU 904 Numerical determination of the residual concrete strength 17.5cm 432 425 a) axis of symmetry el.3 el.4 el.1 el.2 b) Isotherms in the cross section of the beam G2 (t=1.5hours), b) residual concrete strength after cooling phase
Nonlinear thermal analysis COST Action TU 904 Nonlinear thermal analysis Time dependent temperatures of the reinforcing bars Beam B2 which is exposed to fire from three sides Beam G2 which is exposed to fire from three sides
Nonlinear stress-strain analysis COST Action TU 904 Nonlinear stress-strain analysis Time dependent stresses of reinforcement no.3 of beam B2, for cross section at mid span -1 -0,5 0,5 1 -6,5 -5 -3,5 -2 el.2(at the support)-heating phase el.2(at the support)-cooling phase el.2(at the mid span)-heating phase el.2(at the mid span)-cooling phase , as % of fy (T) t=0= + 8Mpa t=0=-14Mpa t= e *1000
Nonlinear stress-strain analysis COST Action TU 904 Nonlinear stress-strain analysis -0,2 0,2 0,6 1 -0,5 0,5 1,5 2 2,5 el.3-heating phase el.3-cooling phase -0,6 e *1000 , as % of fy (T) t=0= -4Mpa t==-217Mpa Time dependent stresses of reinforcement no.3 of beam B2, for cross section at mid span
Suggested repair of fire damaged structural elements COST Action TU 904 Suggested repair of fire damaged structural elements 572.5 27.5 100 cm G1 60 cm existing reinforcement 428 + 220 (additional reinforcement) concrete cover to be eliminated up to the existing stirrups beam B2 Repair details of beam B2
Suggested repair of fire damaged structural elements COST Action TU 904 Suggested repair of fire damaged structural elements
Suggested repair of fire damaged structural elements COST Action TU 904 Suggested repair of fire damaged structural elements
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