On the transcription of Galician Intonation Elisa Fernández Rei Instituto da Lingua Galega (USC)
AMPER corpus
Pitch accents H*, L*, L+H*, L*+H, H+L*
Neutral declarative (fem. speaker from Carballo)
Neutral? interrogative (fem. Speaker from Carballo)
Neutral declarative from O Incio (fem. speaker)
Neutral interrogative from O Incio (fem. speaker)
Neutral declarative from Camelle (fem. speaker)
Neutral interrogative from Camelle (fem. speaker)
Neutral interrogative from Baixo Miño (fem. speaker)
Phrase accent H- (fem. speaker from Santiago)
Phrase accent L- (fem. speaker from Carballo)
Phrase accent vs. Boundary tone
Prosodic and intonational levels