Independence Movements in Latin America
Simon Bolivar
Educated in Europe and inspired by Enlightenment Ideas Motivation to Lead Educated in Europe and inspired by Enlightenment Ideas Wanted to end Spain’s unfair treatment of natives in Venezuela
Important Contributions Known as El Libertador (The Liberator) Military Leader who led independence movement in Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia, and others Wanted to establish a united country in South America similar to the U.S. but it failed
Other facts: Called the “George Washington of South America” In nearly every town plaza in South America, there is a statue of Bolivar
Miguel Hidalgo
Motivation to Lead Catholic Priest who wanted to end the unfair treatment of the poor in Mexico (mainly natives)
Important Contributions Raised an army of over 90,000 poor farmers Army was untrained and easily defeated by Spanish Executed by firing squad and then beheaded
Other facts: Hidalgo is known as “The Father of Mexican Independence” His head was displayed for over 10 years as a warning against further revolution Every year on September 16th, Mexican Independence Day, they reenact the ringing of the church bell by Hidalgo
Jose Morelos
Motivation to Lead He was also a Catholic Priest who was inspired by Father Hidalgo He took over revolution movement after Hidalgo’s execution
Important Contributions Successfully organized and trained rebel army in Mexico Led army to series of victories against Spanish Captured in battle and executed by firing squad before Mexico won independence
Other facts: Many areas in Mexico are named after him His picture is often used on currency (money) in Mexico, mainly the 50-peso note
Agustin De Iturbide
Motivation to Lead Member of the Criole class in Mexico Sided with Mexico during fight for independence because he wanted more power
Important Contributions Successfully defeated Spain and gained Mexico’s Independence Wanted to keep Mexico a Monarchy, but give rule to native Mexican people He was exiled and executed for treason by Congress, who wanted more democratic government
Credited as the person who designed the Mexican flag Other facts: Credited as the person who designed the Mexican flag
Dom Pedro
Motivation to Lead Portuguese soldier who sided with Brazil during independence movement Wanted to keep Brazil’s autonomy (freedom from control)
Important Contributions Successfully defeated Portugal’s armies in Brazil Wanted to keep a Monarchy in Brazil Abdicated (gave up) his thrown over pressure to establish democracy and inability to stop uprisings from democratic supporters in Brazil
Other facts: Remains were moved and buried in Brazil to honor the 150th anniversary of it’s Independence