By: Robert Oberto The Crusaders
Who/What Were The Crusaders Started in 1095 Crusader originated from Crois = Cross They were holy warriors Launched war against Christians E/Q: Were Templar Like Crusaders?
The First Crusade Started in 1096 – 1099 Muslims came and took holy land Military expedition to regain holy lands Crossed Europe just to visit their holy sculpture
The Second Crusade Began in 1147 – 1149 AD Enemies were spread apart Regained a lot of their land Built new sculptures Captured more land and brought in more people
The Third Crusade Saladin captures Jerusalem in 1877 Forms a crusade in 1189 - 1192 Jerusalem gets captured by the Sultan of Egypt Wages war against the Christians
The Fourth Crusade Began in 1201 – 1204 The pope took action Kings ignored his request French Knights took the pledge Crusaders became invaders Completely annihilated Constantinople
The Children's Crusade Started between the years of the fourth and fifth crusade Stephen was 12 years old Believed Jesus condemned him to lead the children in a crusade Nothing could restrain the kids Others thought it was the work of the devil…
The Fifth Crusade The Pope called a new crusade in 1218 - 1221 Attempted to recover holy lands Christians and Egyptians united Captured Jerusalem Crusaders left for Acre in 1219
The Sixth Crusade Roman emperor Frederick III Feels Guilty Launched a new crusade 1228 - 1229 Pope feared his growing power Pope diminished his powers Frederick goes without permission Arrives on March 17, 12229 recovered holy land
The Seventh Crusade Pope wants to start a new crusade Starts at 1248 –-1254 Jerusalem falls France overpowers everyone Crusaders sail to Cyprus to spend their winter
The Eighth Crusade Started in 1270 by King Louis 16 years of crusading has passed Mamluks become most powerful Took the little land left of the crusaders Louis died on the 25th of august Leaving his brother Charles in command
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