Firstly, a short exercise looking at ourselves… This is a very interactive session – based mostly on sharing and debate Prior to the session you will need to have organised four different flip charts - and place in four different corners/parts of room. Each flip chart needs two different coloured flip chart pens And the chart needs to have written on top one of the four behavioural types – Amiable, expressive, Analyst, Driver Keep the paper covered to begin with. 2
Behavioural styles Analytical Driver Amiable Expressive Facts Analytical formal measured + systematic seek accuracy / precision dislike unpredictability and surprises Driver business like fast + decisive seek control dislike inefficiency and indecision Ask Tell Amiable conforming less rushed + easy going seek appreciation dislike insensitivity & impatience Expressive flamboyant fast + spontaneous seek recognition dislike routine and boredom Make sure you emphasise the statement at the bottom of the slide – no one is 100% of any one style! Also this is not about the only way we can work – but about our preferred styles where we are most comfortable Key point – no one style is right – just different Ask the delegates to decide which one style suits them most – and then go to the flip chart that has that style on it You will need to re-emphasise just pick the one that is most like them! If anyone doesn’t want to participate that’s fine! Feelings Not everyone has 100% of one style 3
Task: how do you behave under stress, what are your fears about change? Analytical under stress: Fears about change: Driver under stress: Fears about Change: When people are at the flip charts Ask them to identify one person to scribe – and to write on the chart as above: Stress: and fears about change: Then encourage them to brainstorm their thoughts to those two questions. You might want to visit each group – and probably reassure the expressives – often the smallest grouping!! After 5 – 10 minutes Go to each group one at a time and ask for feedback. Ask the others do they recognise people they work with in these descriptions? Also – ask them what information would they want to feel ok about a change project? Encourage the wider group to be pondering the different aspects and methods for supporting people with change etc Amiable under stress: Fears about Change: Expressive under stress: Fears about Change: 4
Fears about change Analytical Driver Expressive Amiable not enough information making a wrong decision being forced to decide Driver loss of control failure lack of purpose Expressive being ignored being asked for detail being linked with failure Amiable damaged relationships confrontations not being recognised for efforts People back at tables Go through the following 4 slides relating back to the previous discussion – always encouraging for comments and personal experiences etc 5
Under stress Driver will become autocratic Analytical will withdraw Amiable will submit Expressive will become offensive or sarcastic 6
‘If you want people to change – be the change you want to see’ I.e. To support others through change, we need to change as well 7
But don’t forget its all about perspective! A health warning!! 8