Continuous Improvement


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Presentation transcript:

Continuous Improvement Electronic Continuous Improvement Plan

Housekeeping Cell phones Break Restrooms Length of session

Outcomes for today: Participants will: Become familiar with of the organization of the eCIP web site Review the most common processes needed for plan development and monitoring Be introduced to the enhancement features incorporated for the 2012-2013 school year

Background Launched during 2010-2011 school year Piloted by approximately 58 school systems Currently, all systems serving schools receiving federal funds are using the tool All superintendents have been assigned to their systems

Electronic Continuous Improvement Plan (eCIP) Can be accessed at:

This is the homepage for the eCIP site This is the homepage for the eCIP site. This PPT presentation is organized by the most common processes needed for developing and reviewing plans.

eCIP Administration

How do systems get started? Superintendent identifies a District Administrator (DA) Provide name and contact information to SDE representatives SDE will assign the role for the District Administrator Each LEA should identify who will serve in the capacity of District Administrator. In most systems this person is usually the Federal Programs Coordinator or the School Improvement Specialist. A few systems established the Superintendent with this role, but this is usually not practical. When the information is received, SDE Administrator will set up the DA role. You will receive the “” email with the username and temporary password.

User Accounts Can be established through a couple of options User request District Administrator assignment In both instances, the district administrator will have to input information for each user request/assignment District Administrator is the most common means. Need to know that upon user request it is the responsibility of the DA to complete the process.

Note the “request a login” link from the homepage. CLICK.

Selecting this link will redirect you to this page for you to enter your information. As it states in the header, this info will be sent in an email to the district administrator for your system. Remember, DAs, this email will not prepopulate any field in the eCIP site. You will use this info from the email to type in the person’s info to create their account. CLICK.

District administrators you will use the “Administrator” link to manage user accounts. Let’s look at the next slide to see the options when the “manage users” link is selected. CLICK

As you can see, the options are available by new users (which will be created) or existing users (which will be located in the system). CLICK

If creating a new user account, when you select the “create account” link this is the page that will be provided. All fields indicated with the red asterisk are required. Be sure to select “save”. CLICK

Do not create new accounts to make changes to existing users Do not create new accounts to make changes to existing users. Contact information and roles can be updated within their established account. Let’s look at sample screenshots for this process. CLICK

This one shows an update to account information. CLICK

This shot shows how roles can be added to a person This shot shows how roles can be added to a person. So in this example, Fran is already the administrator in this system. The dropdown box has all of the possible roles that can be assigned so we only need to select the additional role and select save. Fran’s account is immediately updated. As a reminder, let’s review the possible eCIP site roles. CLICK

USER ROLES School Data Entry-These are individuals who can enter school data into the CIP system. They can mark the plan as Draft Started, Draft Completed, and Revision Started. Principal-These users can mark their assigned school’s plan as Principal Approved or Principal Not Approved Specialist-These users can mark their assigned school’s plan as Specialist Approved or Specialist Not Approved. Federal Programs Coordinator- These users can mark the schools in their assigned district as Federal Programs Coordinator Approved or Federal Programs Not Approved. Superintendent-These users can mark the schools in their assigned district as Superintendent Approved (making it a public plan) or Superintendent Not Approved. District Administrator-These are users who can create users and assign them roles at the district level or at the school level within the administrator’s assigned district. In this slide you see the roles that can be assigned at the local level. [Explain responsibilities connected with each role.] System Administrator nor Administrator roles are access at the local level. System Administrator rights are assigned at the developer level and Administrator rights are assigned to the SDE. CLICK

Searching for Plans

Search Options: By School

Search Options: By Plans


Plans: Getting Started


Plan Features

You will begin entering text on following screens You will begin entering text on following screens. Spell check is available in each test application of the plan.

View All view

Part II: Reminder Goals individual view instead of full view

Part II: Adding a Strategy

Part II: Adding an Action Step

Part III

End of Part 1 eCIP 2012 MEGA PPT (See Part 2 on eGap Doc Lib) End of Part 1 eCIP 2012 MEGA PPT