Sweden’s environ-mental objectives The Swedish Parliament has set a number of environmental objectives to promote sustainable development. These goals guide environ- mental efforts in Sweden. They point the way to a sustainable society. The environmental quality objectives adopted by the Riksdag (the Swedish Parliament) – and efforts to achieve them – form the basis for environmental policy in Sweden. The system of environmental objectives is designed to promote structured action to safeguard the environment and systematic follow-up of policy in this area. In 1999, the Riksdag adopted fifteen environmental quality objectives as a basis for the country’s environment policy. A few years later, a sixteenth objective was introduced. Decisions on the environmental quality objectives, and on an overall “generational goal”, are taken by the Riksdag. PHOTO: HÅKAN HJORT/JOHNÉR 1
Generational goal “The overall goal of Swedish environmental policy is to hand over to the next generation a society in which the major environmental problems in Sweden have been solved, without increasing environ-mental and health problems outside Sweden’s borders.” RIKSDAG DECISION ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES From the Government Bill Sweden’s Environmental Objectives – For More Effective Environmental Action (2009/10:155): “The overall goal of Swedish environmental policy is to hand over to the next generation a society in which the major environmental problems in Sweden have been solved, without increasing environmental and health problems outside Sweden’s borders.” This is the generational goal, which lays down the overall direction of efforts to safeguard the environment and is intended to guide such efforts at every level in society. It presupposes an ambitious environmental policy – in Sweden, at EU level and in international contexts. The generational goal defines the direction of the changes in society that are needed if the environmental quality objectives are to be achieved. PHOTO: ELLIOT ELLIOT/JOHNÉR 2
“Bullet points” of the generational goal Ecosystems are on the way to recovery Biodiversity and the natural and cultural environment are conserved Human health is subject to a minimum of adverse impacts from factors in the environment Materials cycles are resource-efficient and, as far as possible, free from dangerous substances Natural resources are managed sustainably The share of renewable energy increases and use of energy is efficient Patterns of consumption of goods and services cause the least possible problems for the environment and human health These are the “bullet points” that spell out the practical implications of the generational goal: The generational goal means that the basic conditions for solving the environmental problems we face are to be established within one generation and that environmental policy is to be directed towards ensuring that: – Ecosystems have recovered, or are on the way to recovery, and their long-term capacity to generate ecosystem services is assured. – Biodiversity and the natural and cultural environment are conserved, promoted and used sustainably. – Human health is subject to a minimum of adverse impacts from factors in the environment, at the same time as the positive impact of the environment on human health is promoted. – Materials cycles are resource-efficient and, as far as possible, free from dangerous substances. – Natural resources are managed sustainably. – The share of renewable energy increases and use of energy is efficient, with minimal impact on the environment. – Patterns of consumption of goods and services cause the least possible problems for the environment and human health. 3
The Riksdag has adopted 16 objectives for environmental quality in Sweden Reduced Climate Impact Clean Air Natural Acidification Only A Non-Toxic Environment A Protective Ozone Layer A Safe Radiation Environment Zero Eutrophication Flourishing Lakes and Streams Good-Quality Groundwater A Balanced Marine Environment, Flourishing Coastal Areas and Archipelagos Thriving Wetlands Sustainable Forests A Varied Agricultural Landscape A Magnificent Mountain Landscape A Good Built Environment A Rich Diversity of Plant and Animal Life Decisions on the environmental quality objectives are taken by the Riksdag (the Swedish Parliament). There are sixteen of these national goals. This slide shows only the headings given to the different objectives. There’ll be an example of the actual wording of one of them later on in this presentation. In addition to the national objectives, there are regional ones, decided on by county administrative boards and adapted to the situation in each region. The environmental objectives are used at the local and regional levels, in land use planning and decision making. To guide the more practical implementation of these objectives, the Riksdag also adopted a number of interim targets. A new (modified) system was introduced in 2010, one effect of which is to phase out these interim targets. Instead, greater weight is now to be attached to what are called “specifications” of the environmental quality objectives, and in addition the Government will be adopting “milestone targets”. ILLUSTRATIONS: TOBIAS FLYGAR 4
The environmental objectives system – promoting cooperation at several levels National environmental quality objectives Eight national lead agencies Other government agencies with responsibilities within the environmental objectives system Regional environmental objectives County administrative boards Local environmental objectives Local authorities (municipalities) Nationella miljökvalitetsmål sju huvudansvariga myndigheter Andra myndigheter med ansvar i miljömålssystemet Regionala miljömål länsstyrelser Lokala miljömål kommuner The business sector, stakeholder organisations and the public are crucial to achieving the objectives. National lead agencies: These are central government agencies which, as part of their environmental responsibility, follow up, assess progress towards and evaluate one or more of the environmental quality objectives. Other government agencies with responsibilities within the environmental objectives system promote progress towards the objectives in their particular sectors. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency coordinates follow-up of the objectives. The other agencies provide basic data for follow-up and evaluation. At the regional level, county administrative boards adopt, monitor progress towards and work to achieve regional environmental objectives. Local authorities (municipalities) have a key part to play in safeguarding the environment, through land use planning and close contact with local people and businesses. The Swedish Forest Agency, through its regional structure, has a corresponding regional responsibility for the environmental quality objective Sustainable Forests. 5
What the objectives mean in practice For each environmental quality objective, there are specifications that flesh out its practical implications. They guide interpretation of the objectives and serve as criteria for assessing progress towards them. Specifications of the different environmental quality objectives make clear what each objective entails and what it is intended to achieve. Among other things, these specifications provide a basis for developing regional and local objectives, and serve as criteria for follow-up of the national objectives. They are also intended to guide environmental action, as they lend more substance to the objectives. Decisions on specifications are taken by the Government. PHOTO: MAGNUS FOND/JOHNÉR 6
Example of an environmental quality objective: Zero Eutrophication Nutrient levels in soil and water must not be such that they adversely affect human health, the conditions for biological diversity or the possibility of varied use of land and water. The wording of each environmental quality objective represents an overall declaration of intent. To understand what a given objective entails and is intended to achieve in practice, further clarification is needed. That is why there used to be interim targets, and now the specifications of each objective are to provide more tangible guidance. Specifications of Zero Eutrophication: The environmental quality objective Zero Eutrophication means that: – Deposition of airborne nitrogen compounds will not exceed critical loads for eutrophication of soil and water anywhere in Sweden. – Groundwater will not contribute to additional eutrophication of surface waters. – Lakes, rivers and streams will, with respect to nutrient levels, meet the requirements for good status, as defined in the EU Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC). – Nutrient conditions in coastal waters and the open sea will be essentially the same as in the 1940s, and nutrient inputs to the sea will not cause eutrophication. – Swedish coastal waters will, with respect to nutrient levels, meet the requirements for good status, as defined in the EU Water Framework Directive. – The nutrient status of forest soils will be such as to help maintain natural species composition, and no more than 5 per cent of forest land will have a level of nitrogen accumulation exceeding 5 kg of nitrogen per hectare per year. – The nutrient status of agricultural soils will be balanced and such as to help maintain favourable ecological status in soils, farmland habitats and the surrounding environment. PHOTO: LENA KOLLER/JOHNÉR 7
Example of an indicator: Swedish emissions of nitrogen oxides to air To monitor trends in the environment, environmental data from a variety of sources are used. Some key information is in the form of “indicators”. The indicator shown here is used to track progress towards the environmental quality objectives Zero Eutrophication and Clean Air. SOURCE: SWEDISH ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 8
Strategies and milestone targets in priority areas An All Party Committee of MPs develops strategies and proposes milestone targets, policy instruments and measures. The Government identifies the areas to be given priority. An All Party Committee on Environmental Objectives, made up of MPs representing the different parliamentary parties, has the role of advising the Government on how the environmental quality objectives can be achieved. It proposes strategies – including milestone targets, policy instruments and measures – in the priority areas identified by the Government. 9
Are we moving in the right direction? RIKSDAG DECISION IMPLEMENTATION OF MEASURES IN SOCIETY Environmental objectives GOVERNMENT BILL The environmental objectives tell us what environmental efforts in Sweden need to achieve – efforts that involve the whole of society. The environmental quality objectives have been adopted by the Riksdag (the Swedish Parliament), which also takes certain major decisions regarding policy instruments and measures. The Government proposes and decides on policy instruments, revised strategies and milestone targets, sometimes through bills to the Riksdag. It entrusts government agencies with implementing the decisions reached. It also commissions the All Party Committee on Environmental Objectives to draw up proposals for strategies and milestone targets (see previous slide in this presentation). Once a year, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency reviews trends in the environment in relation to the environmental objectives – that is to say, it assesses the prospects of achieving the objectives. Other agencies contribute to this review of progress by following up “their” respective environmental quality objectives, and the overall process is coordinated by the Environmental Protection Agency. The results are presented annually on the Environmental Objectives Portal, www.miljomal.se. Roughly every four years, an evaluation is conducted that looks at how environmental efforts are advancing and what factors are behind progress or lack of progress towards the environmental quality objectives and the generational goal. This in-depth evaluation, as it is known, is coordinated by the Environmental Protection Agency and involves all the agencies with responsibilities within the environmental objectives system. The Environmental Protection Agency reports to the Government on the conclusions reached. ANNUAL REVIEW OF PROGRESS EVALUATION EVERY 4 YEARS 10
Want to know more? Further information is available on the Environmental Objectives Portal: www.miljomal.se The Environmental Objectives Portal provides information – much of it in English as well as Swedish – on Sweden’s environmental objectives and the system of cooperation that exists to achieve them. There are links to all the government agencies with responsibilities within the environmental objectives system, as well as information on the development and follow-up of regional objectives. Follow-up and evaluation of national and regional objectives are updated regularly. In addition, there are slide presentations and reports that can be freely downloaded by anyone wishing to use them. PHOTO: LARS P:SON/JOHNÉR 11