Amy Albrecht
Introduction A quick link to a video on how seesaw works.
Mission At Seesaw, our mission is to create an environment where students can be their best. For us, this means: Empowering students to take ownership of their learning and to reflect on their progress over time. Giving students tools to show what they know in the way that works best for them. Inspiring students to try their best by providing an audience for their work beyond the classroom. Creating a meaningful home-school connection so families can better support their child's learning. Source:
How to use SeeSaw Sign up for an account Everything you need is free Sign up with an email address Add other teachers, when you add them, they will be sent an email notification, allowing you to join the class
How does my school use SeeSaw All specialists such as physical education, music, art, and Title 1 team are added to each class or students they teach The main purpose is parent communication All parents are linked to their student’s account If something is posted online about their student they receive an instant notification
How do I use SeeSaw in my classroom As a physical education teacher, I take movies and pictures of students participating in the activities. For example, if I take a movie of the class, I will tag the whole class. If I take a picture of only one or two kids, I will only tag those kids, and the parents of the kids that were tagged can see the video I will also use this to upload my monthly newsletter
Privacy Parents are required to sign a form at the beginning of the school year. If the form is not signed, students will not be added to the class list, and you will not have the option to tag them. Parents are allowed to comment on anything that is tagged, however, all comments must be approved by you before they are put online.
Examples of how I used SeeSaw in my account Enjoy
Space Invaders Video
Hula Hoop Bowling Video
Football and Bowling Pictures
Questions Currently, teachers are just using SeeSaw for communication with parents. In the SAMR model we are substituting paper copies of newsletters with pictures and putting them on this application. This application also has redefinition that allows for creation of new tasks. Things in the future, I would like to try to boom this application is having kids tape other kids working on different skills. When they can see the video they can see what they need to correct. I would like to replace paper and pencil assessments with videos of students performing skills so parents can view and see how their student is doing the skill based on the criteria they are being graded on. Students can also add items to their own student journal.