Course Management Systems: Implications for Hybrid Course Development Maureen Tsokris, RDH, MPS Maureen Capone, RDH, MS Farmingdale State College Helen C. Wittmann, Ed.D Elsa-Sofia Morote, Ed.D Dowling College
The purpose of this study was to examine whether faculty conceptions or misconceptions regarding the use of hybrid instruction differ between faculty teaching in traditional classroom settings who utilize course management systems (CMS) and faculty teaching in traditional classroom settings who do not utilize course management systems.
In addition, this study examines whether faculty who are utilizing a course management system are more willing/and or likely to develop a hybrid course. Faculty misconceptions regarding hybrid instruction may prevent educators from utilizing new technologies in course development.
Data from this survey was analyzed by performing independent samples t-test, frequencies and cross tabulation. Data analysis indicated faculty who teach in traditional classroom settings utilizing course management systems have less misconceptions in regard to hybrid learning than faculty who teach in traditional classroom settings who do not utilize course management systems.
Data utilized was taken from a study conducted by Wittmann (2006) at Dowling College in Oakdale, New York. The original study was entitled “Faculty Perceptions, Conceptions and Misconceptions, of Factors Contributing to the Adoption of Hybrid Education at Independent Institutions of Higher Education in New York.”
One hundred and twenty nine faculty at four independent institutions of higher education in New York responded to an on-line survey. Two of the institutions use on-line distance learning and two do not. For the purpose of this study only the responses of those who taught in a traditional classroom setting were selected (90 professors). Furthermore, all respondents who taught online courses were excluded from the data base. This study focused on information related to course management systems and their use or non-use by faculty who teach in a traditional classroom setting. Table 1 shows the number of respondents who taught in a traditional setting and utilized course management systems.
Do you use a CMS (Course Management System) Table 1 Do you use a CMS (Course Management System) Frequency Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Yes 49 54.4% 54.4 No 41 45.6% 100.0 Total 90 100.0%
Data analysis was conducted on the conceptions and misconceptions regarding hybrid learning for those faculty who taught in traditional classroom settings. An Independent samples t-test was performed to determine the difference between the misconceptions and conceptions of those faculty that utilized a course management system and those who did not use course management systems.
Frequency tables were run to examine whether faculty conceptions or misconceptions regarding the use of hybrid instruction differ between faculty teaching in a traditional classroom setting who utilize CMS and faculty teaching in traditional classroom settings who do not utilize CMS. Cross tabulations were performed to evaluate whether a statistical relationship existed between faculty utilizing a course management system and their interest in adopting hybrid learning.
Is the level of faculty misconceptions/conceptions less regarding the use of hybrid course instruction? Do misconceptions differ from faculty who utilize CMS and faculty who do not? Table 2 Independent Samples t-Test: Misconceptions Mean yes Mean No SD-yes SD- no t df p Effect size misconceptions 7.12 7.85 1.49 1.67 -2.19 88 0.03 0.051684 concept 6.16 5.78 2.73 0.66 0.51 0.004926 Score 7.54 7.34 2.07 1.7 0.49 0.62 0.002721 Table 2 indicates that there is significance, t(88)= -2.19, p=.03. The eta square index indicated a medium effect size. Mean yes Mean No SD-yes SD- no t df p Effect size misconceptions 7.12 7.85 1.49 1.67 -2.19 88 0.03 0.051684 concept 6.16 5.78 2.73 0.66 0.51 0.004926 Score 7.54 7.34 2.07 1.7 0.49 0.62 0.002721 Mean yes Mean No SD-yes SD- no t df p Effect size misconceptions 7.12 7.85 1.49 1.67 -2.19 88 0.03 0.051684 concept 6.16 5.78 2.73 0.66 0.51 0.004926 Score 7.54 7.34 2.07 1.7 0.49 0.62 0.002721
An independent- samples t test was conducted to evaluate the hypothesis that faculty who teach in traditional classroom settings and have utilized a course management system have less misconceptions regarding hybrid learning than those faculty who have taught in traditional classroom settings and have not utilized a course management system. Conceptions and score did not show any statistical significance. This indicates those faculty members who utilize CMS have fewer misconceptions regarding hybrid learning than faculty who do not utilize CMS.
Faculty teaching in traditional settings who utilize CMS responded correctly more often to the following survey items: Delivery of instruction is not as effective as teaching students face to face (correct response, False) Hybrid teaching lacks a cohesive sense of community (correct response, False) Cheating in a hybrid course is a common threat to the quality of hybrid courses (correct response, False) Teacher student interaction is difficult when using hybrid learning technology to deliver instruction (correct response, False).
Utilize Course Management System Do Not Use Course Management System Table 3 Differ Utilize Course Management System Do Not Use Course Management System Question % Correct Incorrect % No Basis For Knowing 9. Teacher student interaction is difficult when using hybrid learning technology to deliver instruction 53.1 30.6 16.3 29.3 46.3 24.4 3. Hybrid delivery is not as effective as teaching students face to face 46.9 26.5 43.9 31.7 4. Hybrid teaching lacks a cohesive sense of community 44.9 24.5 39.0 41.5 19.5 8. Cheating in a hybrid course is a common threat to the quality of hybrid courses 37.5 29.2 33.3 20.0 47.5 32.5 Table 3 provides an overview of the specific misconceptions, and conceptions held by both faculty who utilize CMS and those faculty members who do not utilize CMS in regard to hybrid learning.
Table 4 Similar Misconceptions- Utilize CMS Do Not Use CMS Question % Correct Incorrect % No Basis for Knowing 6. Content is better in a hybrid course 8.2 69.4 22.4 12.5 57.5 30.0 13. Students need a home computer with access to the internet 27.1 68.8 4.2 20 67.5 2. Faculty members do not have complete control of his/her intellectual property 30.6 40.8 28.6 36.6 39.0 24.4 1. Faculty time commitment is greater for hybrid learning preparation, delivery, and revision 53.1 18.3 56.0 22.0 11. Problems with equipment are a major concern to faculty delivering hybrid courses 67.3 14.3 18.4 68.3 12.2 19.5 5. Hybrid teaching is not appropriate for all courses 81.3 6.3 85.4 4.9 9.8 7. Students taught with hybrid learning perform at least as well or better than those taught in a traditional face to face classroom 57.1 25.0 15.0 60.0 12. Adequate technical support systems are a major concern to faculty delivering hybrid courses 83.7 6.1 10.2 78.0 17.1 Table 4 Similar Utilize Course Management System Do Not Use Course Management System As seen in Table 4 faculty utilizing CMS had several similar misconceptions regarding hybrid learning.
This study evaluated whether faculty who utilized a CMS were more likely to utilize hybrid learning to deliver instruction in the future. Data indicated faculty who utilized a CMS were 14.7% more likely to use hybrid learning to deliver instruction than faculty who did not use CMS.
In the future would you use hybrid learning to deliver instruction? Table 6 In the future would you use hybrid learning to deliver instruction? Total No Response Yes No Do you use a CMS (Course Management Systems such as Blackboard or WebCT which allows users access to materials, lectu 2 44 (89.7%) 3 (6.1%) 49 31 (75 %) 10 (24.4%) 41 75 13 90 Table 6 demonstrates the number and percentage of faculty who use Course Management Systems, and are likely to develop a hybrid course in the future.
A one sample Chi Square test was conducted to assess whether faculty who utilized a course management system were more likely to utilize hybrid learning to deliver instruction in the future. The results of the test were significant, x2(2, N=90) =7.37, p<.02.
The results of this study show faculty who teach in traditional classroom settings utilizing CMS have fewer misconceptions relating to the delivery of hybrid learning than those faculty members who do not use a CMS.
Faculty misconceptions were less regarding some very important aspects of hybrid learning particularly; in the area of: effectiveness of hybrid learning cohesiveness of the learning community teacher student interaction cheating in hybrid courses.
However, faculty who taught utilizing CMS had several similar misconceptions regarding hybrid learning, of major significance is the misconceptions regarding course content and control of one’s intellectual property.
Based on the findings of this study, institutions looking to implement hybrid courses as part of their academic curriculum may best serve their students by beginning with a course management system, as the research indicates faculty who utilized a course management system had fewer misconceptions regarding hybrid learning.
The views and misconceptions held by anyone involved in the educational process may impact how effectively technology may be utilized. Therefore, the perceptions that faculty bring to the classroom will have an impact on how effective their mode of instruction is in enhancing student learning.