More information can be found at Researching in the Elementary Classroom and Creating a Leveled Research Library Created By L.E. Rausch More information can be found at Graphics provided by
Quick Start for Researching in the Elementary Classroom: Creating A Leveled Research Library By L.E. Rausch Thank you for purchasing this packet to start your students researching in the classroom. This packet will provide a quick start for starting a leveled research library in your classroom so all your students may begin researching. If you would like some free templates that may be edited, please visit my website at under “Resources” tab… It will also go in depth about how to use these templates and how to level research books for your elementary classroom. To begin, I started with a small group of my higher students. I put them in a Guided Reading group together and presented them with a nonfiction reader usually about an animal. I quickly wrote in some questions on a blank template to see if they could do it. After this group understood the process, I started with another group. Next, I created some templates from the books in the library. Mostly animals since I teach first grade and first graders love animals. Eventually, I would branch out to planets, natural disasters, continents, states, and countries. Leveling System: Red: Easy – template with the heart in the corner. Hearts are red and so is our lowest level. These books will have one sentence on a page. Yellow: Medium – template with the moon in the corner. The moon glows brightly at night so is our medium level. These books will have two sentences per page. Green: Hard – template with the leaf. Spring leaves are green. These books will have one paragraph on a page. Students will have a firm grasp of what a sentence is when they get to this Blue: a drop of water is blue and so is our highest group. These books will have at least 2 or more paragraphs per page. Templates can either be custom made for each book or a detail template can be created for multiple books and lead students to multiple resources. Students are to write fragments in the boxes or one word answers. Then, the students are to create one sentence for each box on the lines below. Once complete, they are to write a final draft and draw a picture to go with it. After students have mastered the process, the research library will become supplemental material and students can work on their reports after their classwork is complete. For more information about creating your own Leveled Research Library for the classroom and researching in the elementary classroom, please visit Graphics provided by
Main Idea: _________________________________ Name ________________________________ Date ______________________ Research Paper Main Idea: _________________________________ Details Question page ____ Resource: book title, author, and where to find it 1st Draft
Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________________ Research Paper Main Idea:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Details Question page ____ Resource: book title, author, and where to find it First Draft
Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________________ Research Paper Main Idea:________________________________________________________________________________ Details Question page ____ Resource: book title, author, and where to find it
Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________________ Research Paper Main Idea:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Details Question page ____ Resource: book title, author, and where to find it
Author __________________________________________________________________________ Date___________________________________________________ Research Paper Detail: Main Idea __________________________________
Author __________________________________________________________________________ Date___________________________________________________ Animal Research Paper What is it? How does it find or get food? Classify (mammal, reptile, fish, amphibian, insect) What are its predators? Ecosystem it live in color Continent or ocean it can be found What does it prey on? Type of eater (glossary: omnivore, carnivore, vegetarian) What covers their body? Main Idea: ________________________ Describe their habitat (home) Name of Babies ______ How many babies are born at one time? Name for a group of them How fast does it move? Does it live alone or in a group? Camouflage Extinct, endangered, or protected? Does it migrate? Yes or no Where does it migrate? How can you help this animal from extinction? How long does it live? (years)
Main Idea: _____________________________ Author:______________________
Main Idea: _____________________________ Author:______________________
Main Idea: _________________________________ Name ________________________________ Date ______________________ Research Paper Main Idea: _________________________________ Details Question page ____ 1st Draft Resource: book title, author, and where to find it
Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________________ Research Paper Main Idea:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Details Question page ____ Resource: book title, author, and where to find it First Draft
Main Idea: _____________________________ Author:______________________
Main Idea: _____________________________ Author:______________________