WorldCat Local
WorldCat Local Pilot Team (to June 2008)
WorldCat Local
What is it?
What does it search?
What’s not included?
Why are we doing this?
Why? Ranganathan’s 5 Laws of Library Science
It’s all about the USER!
A Major Why: Too Many Silos
Discovery Silos
WorldCat Local…more efficient
Delivery Silos
WorldCat Local…more efficient
User comments – initial feedback
User feedback
Usability Testing – May 2007
Usability Testing – Feb 2008
User experiences
Requesting UW book
All requests now Summit
Instead of this . . .
So What Happens…
Borrowing Skyrockets
ILL Support Debates - Old School
ILL Support Debates - New School
ILL Increases - the Response
Plan for Success