BACK UP P09045: Membrane Characterization Test Stand 1/2/2019 1
Engineering Specs Engineering Spec # Needs # Metric Unit Ideal Values Resolution Importance 1 1,2,3,4,5 Data - Load N N/A +/- .001 High 2 Data - Displacement mm/mm +/- .1 3 7,14 Weight lb 15 Low 4 7,9,15,16 Initial Assembly Time Medium 5 10 Cost Dollars 1500 6 11,12 Cycle Time minutes 7 7,8,9,12,13,15,16 Repair time hours 8 Test Stand footprint m^2 0.5 9 Edge Effects 1,3,6 Membrane Preparation Time 30 90 11 1,3 Sample Geometry mm^2 781.25 +3000 Denotes a Maximum Value P09045: Membrane Characterization Test Stand P09045: Membrane Characterization Test Stand 1/2/2019 2
Engineering Specs Continued Needs # Metric Unit Ideal Values Marginal Importance 1 1,2,3,4,5 Load sensor resolution mV/lb 50 70 High 2 Displacement Strain Field pixels/pixels 200 3 7,14 Weight lbs 10 15 Low 4 7,9,15,16 Initial Assembly hours 6 Medium 5 Cost dolars 1500 11,12 Cycle Time minutes 7 7,8,9,12,13,15,16 Repair time 8 Test Stand footprint m^2 N/A 9 Edge Effects 1,3,6 Membrane preparation 30 90 11 1,3 Sample Geometry mm^2 781.25 3225.8 P09045: Membrane Characterization Test Stand P09045: Membrane Characterization Test Stand 1/2/2019 3
Software Diagram Get User Inputs Move One Increment Measure and Save Load Cell Data Take Picture Reach Max Number of Iterations No Program End, Proceed to Analysis Yes P09045: Membrane Characterization Test Stand P09045: Membrane Characterization Test Stand 1/2/2019 4
Software Parameters One increment is the smallest unit of motion the motor can move, 1.8° (Anaheim Automation 34Y1) This may change as the moving system is assembled Files names and/or location to store data and images The number of load data points to take at each increment P09045: Membrane Characterization Test Stand P09045: Membrane Characterization Test Stand 1/2/2019 5
Software Flow Move One Increment LabView communicates with the motor controller and tells the motor to rotate the amount corresponding to one increment Measure and Save Load Cell Data LabView measures a given number of samples from the load cell and records it to a predetermined file Take Picture LabView tells the camera to take a single frame of the membrane at the current displacement Reach Max Number of Increments Condition If the maximum number of iterations has been reached, end the program and proceed to analysis If the maximum number of iterations has not been reached repeat from step 1 P09045: Membrane Characterization Test Stand P09045: Membrane Characterization Test Stand 1/2/2019 6
Data Analysis Procedure Calibration Image Calculate Displacement for each Iteration Convert Load Cell Data to Strain Load Cell Data from LabView Stress/Strain Data P09045: Membrane Characterization Test Stand P09045: Membrane Characterization Test Stand 1/2/2019 7
System Flow Diagram Deformed Membrane Data Sample Energy User Input Obtain Prep Mount Conversion (Energy to Motion) Useful Motion Deformation Of Membrane GUI Run LabView Sensing Log P09045: Membrane Characterization Test Stand P09045: Membrane Characterization Test Stand 1/2/2019 8 8