Welcome to Grade 9 Geography! Georges Vanier Secondary School Ms. Joseph and Mr. Burton
Learning Goals (why are we doing this?) To understand the course and how it is organized To get a perspective of what a class would be like To think about “WE” and not just “ME” perspective To be more aware of how our ACTIONS affect People, Profit (Money) and Planet (Environment + Community)
Course Organization Course is divided into 2 Major Modules (sections) Environmental Justice Social Justice All topics covered fit into these 2 modules or sections
First, What does JUSTICE MEAN? Justice in the context of this course means “what is fair” We are concerned in this course about what is fair for the Environment and what is fair for People (social) The course looks at Geography (which is the study of place and space) and its relation to PHYSICAL things (the EARTH) and HUMAN things (impacts of people)
So, what? In this course, we want to make connections about HOW the EARTH was formed (Canada) and how it impacts people We also want to investigate how HUMANS impact the environment and community around us We are trying to understand the whole picture
The Modules Environmental Justice Social Justice Should take 8 weeks to complete Deals with Canada- provinces, territories, weather, lakes, formation and resources Pollution and impacts on the planet How people use/impact Canada (land and community) Issues that people are facing with Immigration Waste Lack of Awareness
Example: What is happening in this photo? Who is affected? What is affected? Is this fair?
Video: Understanding Justice Environmental Justice explained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dREtXUij6_c Social Justice Explained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z754lhcX6qw
Why should you care? There are enough resources in the world for us all to survive The fact is that some people have a lot, and many have too little Awareness of issues with changes peoples habits and how they live their life Small changes can make a big difference
How we teach…. Use class website everyday and you should to! All lessons and class material posted Must have a binder/folder to keep notes and handouts together 70% course work + 30 % culminating (exam and project) WE expect that you are responsible for Missed work! Due date rules: Deadline and Absolute with penalties Lates and Attendance issues will not be tolerated!