IV. Farming Techniques
A. Changes 1. Development of improved grain varieties 2. Development of various machines and equipment 3. Development of new techniques
B. How has it changed 1. In past was very labor intensive a. Either farmers or animals 2. Mid 20th century developed fossil fuel burning engines 3. In the 1950’s a half of a barrel of oil could produce one ton of grain
4. Also in the 50’s fertilizers from chemicals appeared 5. Family farms were being replaced by agrobusiness corporations a. 2/3 of our food comes from less than 50 companies
6. Pesticides also developed a. Over use resulted in resistance
7. Monoculture farms were used to take advantage of high prices a. Very susceptible to disease= depletion
8. New grains can be introduced a. Quinoa, a high protein grain, can be grown in poor areas